Roman Emperors

  • 27 BCE


  • Period: 27 BCE to 14


    Was the chief priest of the Roman religion from 12 BCE till his death in 14 AD.
    Fought in 3 successful campaigns with his military in Illyricum and Dalmatia.
  • 14


  • Period: 14 to 37


    He is one of the only recorded Emperors who didn't want the position.
    After the death he was said to have changed into a completely different cruel person who was rumoredly assassinated by his prefect after he exiled himself.
  • 37


  • Period: 37 to 68

    Nero Caesar

    While Emperor he would locally play the lyre, sing, and dance for the upperclassman.
    Its believed he had destroyed 3 of the 14 Roman district with a nine day fire.
  • Period: 37 to 41


    Is mostly known for being the first Emperor to be assassinated due to his terrible leadership.
    Before being adopted and up taking the throne his whole family was exiled for treason and either died in prison or out in the wilderness.
  • Period: 41 to 54


    He is well known for annexing Britain for the Roman Empire and he married his niece to be his 4th wife.
    Also historians say he was poisoned to death by a mushroom and a poisonous feather being shoved down his throat.
  • Period: 68 to 69


    Before only ruling 7 months he held many political positions including the Governor of Spain.
    He was murdered with his top adviser after rebelling against Nero who he believed was trying to kill him.
  • 69


  • 69


  • Period: 69 to 69


    He barley ruled for a few months and while Emperor he mad useless sacrifices to Nero.
    During his reign Rome was invaded by the Balkan army and he was murdered gruesomely.
  • Period: 69 to 69


    He was Governor of Lusitania for 10 years before up taking the throne after Galba.
    He had committed suicide after he and his troops lost a battle at Bedriacum.
  • Period: 69 to 73


    Last of the 4 Emperors who ruled in 69 AD but before this he was a commander in the legions of Germany and Britain.
    His rule was considered a time of peace and calm until his death said to be from natural causes.
  • Period: 79 to 81


    He was in charge of capturing and destroying Jerusalem.
    Even though he ruled for a very short time he was exceedingly popular throughout the people.
  • Period: 86 to 91


    His reign was popularized as a time of terror even though he was the first Emperor in 50 years to campaign in person.
    It is said he murdered his brother to become Emperor and later he was assassinated based on the Senates theories.
  • Period: 96 to 98


    He was chosen by the Senate to rule to bring back peace to the Roman Empire.
    He was very old and ill even to Roman standards and had only ruled for 2 years.
  • 98


  • Period: 98 to 117


    He was born in Spain and became the Governor of it at just 15 years old.
    He also held a political agreement called a consulship with Domitian in 91 AD.
  • 117


  • Period: 117 to 138


    He was so devoted to his military he would eat and sleep with the common soldiers.
    He made many cities in Egypt, Asia Minor, and Greece but his most famous was the rebuilt Jerusalem called Aelia Capitolina Jupiter.
  • Period: 161 to 180

    Marcus Aurelius

    His rule symbolized the Golden Age of Rome and was co-ruler until his 40th year ruling.
    During his reign and political positions he wrote down many of his opinions in his book called the Meditations.
  • Period: 180 to 192


    Mostly known for being a cruel Emperor who was not accepted by the roman people.
    He had a twin brother who died at a young age and he would fight in the arenas against his own people.
  • 192


  • Period: 192 to 193


    His first occupation was a school teacher and he later became a Senate and legion officer after his battles against the German tribes.
    He ruled for only three months due to his assassination by a small group of soldiers due to his unpopular economic beliefs.
  • Period: 211 to 217


    Mostly known for building the colossal bath houses in Rome and he gave every person Roman citizenship.
    He was said to be a cruel and man and it was displayed in his many statues and portraits.
  • 217


  • Period: 217 to 218


    He is known for being the first emperor to not achieve Senatorial status before up taking the throne.
    He also first studied to be lawyer for high ranking officials which gave him most of his popularity.
  • 218


  • Period: 218 to 222


    Was the youngest person to be the Roman Emperor and had only ruled for 4 years.
    He was later Executed and beheaded by the people due to belief of him failing the Romans.
  • 392

    Theodosius I

    Theodosius I
  • Period: 392 to 395

    Theodosius I

    Was the last Emperor to rule over both the Western and Eastern halves of Rome.
    His death was caused by a disease called edema and after his death the army slowly dissolved and the Gothics raided as far as Constantinople.