Robinson Crusoe

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    First sea journey

    Robinson's father wanted him to live a quiet and a comfortable life, but Robinson wanted adventure and an exciting life. On September 1st, 1651, he went to Hull, and the next day he sailed for London. But, a few days later, there was a strong wind. The sea was rough and dangerous, and the ship went up and down. He was very ill, and very afraid. The next day the wind dropped, and the sea was quiet and beautiful again. He was calm again, but it was a traumatic first experience on the sea.
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    Down the coast of Africa

    Turkish pirates defeated them in a fight and Robinson became a slave. His master was the captain of the ship. He worked in a house and a garden, and every day planned to escape, but it was never possible. One day when his master's friends cancelled a fishing gathering, he stole the boat and ran away, with another boy, Xury, who was also a slave. They sailed for about 12 days, when one day they saw a ship. They got the attention of the captain, who took them to Brazil, where Robinson got rich.
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    The storm and the shipwreck

    Although Robinson got rich in Brazil, he was also bored. One day, some friends invited him to go to Africa by sea, and he agreed. At first things were going well, but then a storm arrived, separating him from his crew. He woke up on an island and found that all the other sailors were dead. He was afraid of animals on an unexplored island, so he chose to sleep on a tree.
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    A new life on an island

    When the day came, he found that the ship he was on was still out there. He swam to it several times to get food and valuable tools off of it. He brought it all to the island and began to build a shelter, his future house. He found a cave and decided it was a good spot for the shelter. He realised he was about to be on the island for a long time so he carved ''I CAME HERE ON 30TH SEPTEMBER 1659'' on a long piece of wood. After that, he decided to make a cut for each day.
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    Learning to live alone

    Robinson needed a lot of things. There weren't any on the island, so he had to build them by himself. He was working on his craft and got better at it over time. He built a desk, a chair, a storage for his food and tools and many more things. He had 7 guns and used to hunt animals with them. He visited other parts of the island 10 months after arriving. He tried to build a canoe and escape from the island, but it was heavy and he couldn't get it to the sea because he built it outside his home
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    A footprint

    He was on the island for several years already and one day he saw a footprint on the beach, the first one since he has been on the island. Years went by and he never found out whose footprint it was. He continued to work on his craft and started taking care of some goats that were on the island. He also planted corn and was making bread from it. Then, in his 23rd year on the island he saw nine men around the fire, and they were cooking their terrible food - humans. It was a cannibal tribe.
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    Man Friday

    Two years after Robinson's first experience with humans, there was a terrible storm. When he went out in the morning, he saw a ship full of clothes and tools. There were also two dead sailors and some Spanish gold and money. After a few days, five boats came to the island. There were about thirty men and two prisoners. One of them was shot, but Robinson helped the other one escape. He became his friend, even though he did not speak English. He was from another island that was partially close.
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    Escape from the island

    Robinson named his new friend Friday, because he saved him on a Friday. He taught him everything about his island and taught him English. After a few years spent together they saw a ship approaching the island. They got closer and found out that a ship has been mutinied. They helped the captain and in exchange for saving him, the captain took them with him. They left the mutineers on the island and started their journey to England, after Robinson's 27 years, 2 months and 19 days on the island.
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    Home in England

    When Robinson came to England, he felt like a stranger. A lot of things were different and both his parents and brothers were dead. After some months he decided to go down to Lisbon in Portugal. He had friends there who could help him sell his land in Brazil and he needed the money. Friday came with him. He was always a good and true friend. He found the Portuguese captain, who took him in his ship to Brazil, all those years ago. It was good to see him again, and he helped him with his business.
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    ''Why don't you come with me?''

    He went back to England, where he found a house and began to live a quiet life. His 2 nephews were living with him. One of them wanted to be a sailor, so Robinson found him a place on a ship. After he got married, had kids and his wife died, his nephew, who was the captain of the ship by then, came to visit him. He knew that Robinson didn't like the quiet life. 'I have a fine ship, uncle,' he said. 'I'm going out to India, Malaya, the Philippines ... Why don't you come with me?'
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    ''Perhaps in an another book...''

    Robinson agreed to go to India, Malaya, the Philippines and many more with his nephew. He packed his belongings and in 1694 went to the sea again. He had many more adventures and said he would perhaps write another book about them in the future.