Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin

  • Birth

    Robert Houdin, born December 8, 1805, In Blios, France
  • Graduation

    At 18 years old, Houdin graduates from The University of Orleans, and returns to Blios to follow his father in watchmaking.
  • Interest In Magic

    Houdin Buys books of magic called Scientific Amusements. Began to get lost in he art of conjuring. These books taught him the fundementals of Magic, which he praciced religiously.
  • Marriage

    Houdin falls in love and marries Josephe Cecil Houdin, who's name he adopts and becomes Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin, hyphenating her name to his. They have eight children, and three survive, and they move to Paris.
  • His Wife dies

    On October 19, 1843, Robert-Houdin's beloved wife died, having been sick for months; she died at the age of thirty-two.
  • Creating Automatons

    Houdin started creating Automatons in his father's shop, things like a singing bird, a dancer, and his writing and drawing figure. he also began selling these.
  • Debut

    Houdin debuts in his 200 seat theatre, which he calls "Soirées Fantastiques." Despite his inventions, it was scarcely attended.
  • Son dies

    On August 6, 1870, Robert-Houdin heard news of his son being wounded at the Battle of Worth. He later died from these wounds
  • Death

    Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin dies of Pneumonia.