63 BCE
Roman Rule of Israel
there was a new Hasmonean king, Hyrcanus II, and he was granted almost unlimited power. People were getting angry about people not doing anything about the Jewish population so he leads an army against the Jewish people. They where victorious and they ruled them. -
Jesus of Nazareth
Jesus of Nazareth was a preacher from 4BC to 30AD. He is the central figure of the religion Christianity and people believe that he is the son of god. He was famously killed on the cross so the cross became the symbol of the religion. He is called Jesus of Nazareth because that is where he was born. -
Paul of Tarsus
He was a Jew who persecuted the followers of Jesus. He was riding to a town that had Christians when he saw a white light. A voice in the light asked why he was persecuting him and when Paul asked who he was the voice said that he was Jesus and that he should go to a town where he will be told what to do. He went to the town and some people baptized him and he was filled with the "holy spirit." He then when on to teach people about his newfound religion. He was killed by emperor Nero in 64 AD -
Great Fire of Rome
A fire was started in the circus Maximus stadium by who most people thought was the emperor Nero because he wanted to "raze" Rome and build a new one. nowadays people think that it was just a random fire because there were lots of things that could light Easley and fires where common. He needed someone to blame, so he blamed the Christians, which made everyone hate them. -
She was a Christian martyr, (martyr is someone who is killed because of their religion) and he wrote the book called Passion of The Saintes. She also wrote a journal called facility which was a book recalling her imprisonment and her trial. She was executed on feast day, (March 7, 203 AD) -
Great Persecution
The Great Persecution was a series of laws that said that you could not be Christian. Over 3,500 people were killed in the great prosecution, and it was the last large executing of Christians. They also burned and destroyed all of the churches. The law was later changed when Christianity became popular. -
Constantine the Great
Constantine the great was an emperor that ruled between 306 and 337 AD and he is one of the main reasons that Christianity became the most popular religion in Rome. He had a dream that he should paint the first two letters of Christ's name on the shields before a big battle. He then won the battle and blamed it on the religion making it popular again.
-His mother found the pieces of the cross that Jesus was crucified on
- He became the ruler of Rome after defeating Maxentius. -
Battle of Milvian Bridge
Battle of Milvian Bridge was when emperor Constantine battled another emperor for the throne. He had a dream that he should have paint Christ's name on the army shields. He then won the battle and made Christianity popular again.
-He was a famous generals son
-His dad was falsy accused and executed. -
Edict of Milan
The Edict of Milan was a law that stated religious toleration and stopped the prosecution of Christians. Emperor Constantine made it and this made the region even more popular in Rome. It also allowed churches to be built in Rome. -
Emperor Theodosius
Emperor Theodosius was the last emperor to rule Rome. He ruled from 379 to 395 AD. He campaigned against goths and finally settled the problem by allowing them to settle as allys of Rome.
-He was made emperor because of his military abilities.
-He was the son of a famous general
-His father was falsely accused and executed