George Washington
He was the first president of the United States. He born in Westmoreland county, 18th century and in the late Modern and early Contemporany Age. He was United States´ military leader during the American Revolution War. He led the United States to victory. Washingtong was considered on of the Americans Founding Father. -
Thomas Jefferson
Third president of the United States. He born in the Albernarle county, 18th-19th century in the late Modern Age and early Contemporaneous Age. He was the principal author oh the Declaration of Independence of 1776. He was a powerful advocat of Liberty and spockesman for democracy. He is considered one of the American Founding Father. -
French lawyer and politican. Born in Arrás in late the Modern Age 18th century. He became leader of the Jacobins during the French Revolution. He become dictator during the Regine of Terror, eliminating all those considered enemies of the French Revolution. He was influenced figure of the French Revolution. He was overthrown and executed at guillotine. -
Louis XVI
He was King of France when the monarchy was overthrow during the French Revolution. He was born in Versalles in the 18th century, late Modern Age and Early Contemporany. He supported the colonist in the American War of Independence in 1792 the New Natiional Convention and Abolished the monarchy and declared France a republic. -
Napoleon Bonaparte
Military and political leader. Born in Ajacicio in the late modern age and contemporany age, 18th and 19th century. He ruled France from 1799 and became Emperor from 1804 until 1814. He defended some liberal ideas, although he controled all the powers in France. Napoleonic army invaded different Europeans countries, creating the Napoleonic Empire and spreading the Frech Revolution. -
Abrahan Lincon
He was the 16th president of the United States. He was born in Hardin county in the 19th century of the Contemporaneous Age. His presidency was dominated by the American Civil War. He defended the emancipation of all slaves and preserv the Union during the American Civil War. the War finished on 1865, and less than a week later Lincon was shot at Ford´s Theatre in Washington and died the next morning. He was one of the great American Leader. -
Congreso de Viena
Lugar en el que se reunieron las principales potencias de Europa para garantizar la Paz. Entre 1814- 1815 en la edad Contemporánea en Austria. Aquí Francia volvió a tener sus fronteras como antes de la Revolución y el resto de países repartió el territorio. Alrededor de Francia se crearon Estados "tapón" y el resto de Estados podían intervenir en otro país si una Monarquía legítima estaba amenazada.