Chapter 0 cover pic

Red Badge of Courage

  • Rumors Spread of Camp Moving...

    Rumors Spread of Camp Moving...
    Rumors start to spread that the camp will be moving. The camp doesn't move right away. Henry Fleming (the youth) asks himself if he has the courage to fight.
  • Regiment is Ambushed

    Regiment is Ambushed
    The regiment is marching and comes under an attack. The loud soldier (Wilson) gives Henry a letter to give to his family. The order is given to push forward.
  • Lieutenant is Shot

    Lieutenant is Shot
    The regiment's lieutenant is shot in the hand. Henry is afraid that he will be known for how fast he can run instead of how bravely he fought. The order is given to get in a firing line and await the order to fire.
  • The Battle

    The Battle
    During the first battle and order is given for them to fire. Henry finds an uneasy peace with firing and reloading. A soldier is beaten when he tries to leave the front line. The captain is killed in this short ambush.
  • The Regiment Digs In

    The Regiment Digs In
    The regiment is attacked by the enemy under a charge. Henry flees the battlefield. While leaving he heard the officier state the enemy has been pushed back.
  • Injured Group

    Injured Group
    Henry finds a half decomposed body in the woods while he is fleeing. He accidently joins a wounded group of soldiers. In the group a "tattered" soldier questions where Henry's injury is.
  • Old Friend Found in Regiment

    Old Friend Found in Regiment
    Henry finds a his tall friend named Jim Conklin. They talk about his injury. Sadly, Jim dies of his wounds.
  • Another Battle

    Another Battle
    The noise of another battle is heard. Henry decides not to join the battle because of his fear of defeat. Also he has no rifle because he lost it when he fleed previously.
  • Help

    Henry Fleming, the youth, is injured and helped to his regiment by a mysterious man. Even though Henry lies about his wound he is still helped by the loud solider, Wilson. Henry realizes he never say the mysterious man's face.
  • Wounds Tended

    Wounds Tended
    Wilson tends Henry's head injury. Henry lies to Wilson about how he received the injury. He soon notices a change in Wilson. Henry tells Wilson about Jim Conklin's death.
  • Regiment Continues to March

    Regiment Continues to March
    As the regiment is preparing to march, Wilson asks for the envelope back that he gave Henry. Henry questions the regiment's leaders and almost gets exposed for leaving. They wait for battle as the enemy moves closer.
  • Battle Won

    Battle Won
    Henry fights feverously, but is laughed at. He is firing at nothing. Henry is still regarded with respect with his battlefield prowess.
  • Henry's Regiment is Ordered to Charge

    Henry's Regiment is Ordered to Charge
    Henry and Wilson overhear the general discussing battle plans. The officier says that Henry's regiment is pathetic in fighting and is expected to die in the charge. In the charge, Henry picks up the fallen flag from the dead soldier.
  • Henry and Wilson Complimented

    Henry and Wilson Complimented
    Henry's regiment is mocked by others for only taking a small area and not finishing off the enemy. The general insults the regiment but commends Henry and Wilson by saying they are the best soldiers in their regiment. Henry is proud of the soldier he has become.
  • Enemy Flag

    Enemy Flag
    Another battle occurs, the battle is long and the regiment is losing effectiveness. Henry, Wilson, and the lieutenant are unscathed. The order is given to rush the enemy. While the enemy flees; Henry and Wilson capture the flag.and four enemy soldiers.
  • Soldier of Honor

    Soldier of Honor
    Henry comes to an understanding between his accomplishments and his cowardness. He understands that he was selfish at first but that was a stepping stone towards being a soldier of courage. Henry feels proud that Wilson and himself was able to capture the enemy flag and lead their regiment with their colors.