Rastafari flag

Rastafari Religion (Rastafarianism)

By 53904
  • Emancipation

    Emancipation of slaves in Jamaica. (freeing)
  • Macus Garvey is Born

    Macus Garvey is Born
    He is born to Malcus "Marcus" Mosiah Garvey and Sarah Jane Richards.
  • Earthday

    Earthday of Sellasie. (Date of Birth)
  • Flag is Created

    Flag is Created
    Flag meaning:
    Red: Blood of black people
    Yellow: Stolen gold
    Green: the lost lands of africa and the sacred herbs
  • Marcus Garvey Begins his Back to Africa Movement

    Marcus Garvey Begins his Back to Africa Movement
    He encouraged African-Americans to be proud of their race and return to Africa.
  • Founding

    Marcus Garvey founds Rastafarianism. It is said that it was founded when Emperor Hailie Selassie I was crownded during the 1930's but was actually founded in 1920. The date is not completely accurate.
  • Starts in Jamaica

    Starts in Jamaica
    Rastafarianism begins in Jamaica.
  • Holy Piby was Published

    Holy Piby was Published
    Holy Piby (black man's bible) was Published. Wrote by Robert Athlyi Rogers.
  • Haile Selassie I Begins his Rein

    Haile Selassie I Begins his Rein
    Haile Selassie I begins his rule over Ethiopia.
  • Rastafari Begins in the U.S.A

    Rastafari Begins in the U.S.A
    Rastafarians immigrate to North America.
  • Selassie Gave an Important Speech

    Selassie Gave an Important Speech
    Source"Last May, in Addis Ababa, I convened a meeting of Heads of African States and Governments. In three days, the thirty-two nations represented at that Conference demonstrated to the world that when the will and the determination exist, nations and peoples of diverse backgrounds can and will work together. In unity, to the achievement of common goals and the assurance of that equality and brotherhood which we desire.On the question of racial discrimination, the Addis Ababa Conference taught...
  • Selassie Says he is not Jah

    Selassie Says he is not Jah
    He says in a radio interview that he is not Jah.
  • Haile Selassie Ends his Rein

    Haile Selassie Ends his Rein
    He ends his rein over Ethiopia. He was overthrown.
  • Haille Selassie Dies

    Haille Selassie Dies
    He supposedly dies. He is believed to come back and reviel himself to the Rastafarians and lead his people back to Ethiopia.
  • Rastafari Accepted as Religion

    Rastafari Accepted as Religion
    Goverment accepts Rastafari as a religion.