Andrew Jackson
He helped to pass one major law; indian Removal Act of 1830. He vetoed 12 bills. He got rid of most of the National Debt. -
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln preserved the union during the civil war. He began the process of the Emancipation Proclamation that helped to end slavery. He was aslo recognized for his character and leadership. -
Andrew Johnson
He was an honest and honorable man but a president who did not accomplish much at all. He proceeded to recontruct the south and former confederate states even though congress was not in session yet. He helped to abolish slavery but caused "black codes" to appear. -
Ulysses S. Grant
He was known as the hero of the civil war. He included the Enforcement of Civil Rights for Americans in the Reconstuction States. He also helped the union army defeat conferderate military. -
Rutherford B. Hayes
He proposed civil service reform measures. He aslo created a policy so that a canal (which would later become the Panama Canal) in cental America could only be under American control. He created a pact with China to stop chinese immigration. -
Chester A. Arther
He was known as a slick machine politician. He signed the Edmunds Act that banned BIgamists and Polygamists from voting and holding office. His Administration enacted the first General Federal Immigration Law. -
Grover Cleveland
He restored the honesty to the government. He convinced americans to abolish th protective system. He saved the nation from the abandonment of the gold standard. -
Banjamin Harrison
He passes the Sherman Anitrust Act. He removed the tariff from imported sugar and sugar growers. He expanded merchant marines and made a two-ocean Navy. -
Grover CLeveland 2
William Mckinley
He demanded that Spain end its atrocities with Cuba, starting the Spanish-American War, He spanish lost and America he annexed the phillipines and U.S. occupation of Cuba began. He also annexed Hawaii and they became U.S. citizens. -
Theodore Roosevelt
He established the pure food act and meat inspection act. He made sure foods had labels of what they consisted of. He helped the meatpacking plant become cleaner. He also established memorial parks so save the ecosystem.