
President Trump

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    Donald Trump

    Donald Trump was born June, 14th, 1946. He is the 45th president of the USA
  • Education

    Trump went to Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
  • Kids

    Donald Trump has 5 kids. The oldest, Ivanka Trump, was born October 30th 1981. He also has Donald Trump Jr, Barron Trump, and others.
  • Jobs

    Trump is the owner of Trump hotel and Trump tower. Trump tower was made November 30th 1983. He was also given a small loan of a million dollars as a kid.
  • Politics

    Trump became into politics in 1987 when he became a republican. Trump was a republican, democrat, and independent in his life.
  • Net Worth

    Net Worth
    Mr. President is worth 4.5 billion US dollars. That is a LOT of money.
  • Family

    Donald Trump is married to Melania Trump, has five children, and eight grand children. He married Melania on January, 22, 2005.
  • Public Opinion

    Public Opinion
    Trump is not really public supported. Most people voted against Hillary. Mr. President has plenty of supporters but defiantly haters.
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    Trump as President

    Trump as been president since January 20th 2017. He has banned flights to 7 countries, and is building a big wall.
  • Twitter

    Donald Trump is very active on twitter. He posts about a lot of stuff but nobody really cares about what he posts.