Generic bush 007680

President Deaths/Assassinations

By NM3269
  • William Henry Harris' Death

    William Henry Harris' Death
    William died in office. He only was president for 31 days. He had died in the White House
  • William Henry Harrison's Death Causes

    William Henry Harrison's Death Causes
    William Henry Harrison died from pneumonia. He had it for several days. William holds the record for shortest term served.
  • Zachory Taylor's Death

    Zachory Taylor's Death
    Zachory Taylor died from acute gastroenteritis. Acute gastroenteritis is a disease in your stomach. Taylor died on his way to a conference.
  • Possible Causes of Lincoln's Assassination

    Possible Causes of Lincoln's Assassination
    John was a confederate conspirator. Also Lincoln was assassinated only five days after the confederate army surrendered. Many historians think this was the cause of the assassination.
  • Abraham Lincoln Assassination

    Abraham Lincoln Assassination
    Early in the day Abraham was shot in the back of the head in a theatre. His killer is John Wilkes Booth and he survied eleven days after the murder. Abe was shot with a very small gun.
  • Aftermath of Abraham Lincoln's Assassination

    Aftermath of Abraham Lincoln's Assassination
    John Wilkes Booth was on the run for around eleven days. He was only caught because he was tired at stayed at a place in Maryland. John refused to surrender so he was shot multiple times.
  • James A Garfield Assassination

    James A Garfield Assassination
    James was assassinated in Washinton DC. He was assassinated at a railroad station at 9:30 am. It was only four months into his term as president.
  • James A Garfield Assassination Aftermath

    James A Garfield Assassination Aftermath
    Charles J Guiteau was the man who assassinated James A Garfield. He was hung on July 30, 1882. He was on the run for over a year. Also many people were very upset about the assassination.
  • William Mckinley Assassination

    William Mckinley Assassination
    William was assassinated in Buffalo, NY. He was six months into his second term as president. He was shot twice in the chest.
  • William Mckinley Assassination Aftermath

    William Mckinley Assassination Aftermath
    Leon Czolgosz was the killer of William Mckinley. He was caught after a month of running. Leon was a steel worker who didn't agree with anything that William Mckinley did.
  • Warren G Harding Death

    Warren G Harding Death
    Warren G Harding died in San Fransico. He was only two years into his first term as President. Warren played a small but important role for America as the 29th President
  • Warren G Harding Death Causes

    Warren G Harding Death Causes
    Warren had a heart attack. He was the sixth of eight presidents to die in office.
  • Franklin D Roosevelt Death

    Franklin D Roosevelt Death
    Franklin D Roosevelt died in Warm Springs, GA. He was a couple months into his third term as President. FDR was the 32nd President.
  • Franklin D Roosevelt Death Causes

    Franklin D Roosevelt just collapsed in front of everyone. Everybody was scared and he was considred dead. He died from a heart attack making him the second President to do so.
  • John F Kennedy Assassination

    John F Kennedy Assassination
    John F Kennedy was in Dallas, TX when he was shot and killed. He was just shot several times in the chest. JFK was on his way to a conference when he was killed.