
  • Joseph Niepce

    Joseph Niepce
    Known for the invention of photography and a pioneer in the field and this photo was what photography first started out as.
  • Louis Daguerre

    Louis Daguerre
    Known as one of the father's of photograph and the creator of the daguerre process and the daguerreotypes which is what they used when the were taking self portraits
  • Matthew Brady

    Matthew Brady
    Was known for his photographs that were taken at famous battlefields. He is the reason that we have photographic evidence of the battles
  • Edward Muybridge

    Edward Muybridge
    Most known for his work where he took pictures of objects that were in motion. The most well known photo that he took was of a horse galloping horse
  • Lewis Hine

    Lewis Hine
    Was known for his photos that he took with the purpose to change the social standards of that time period. His photo's helped influence the change towards child labor laws.
  • Edward Weston

    Edward Weston
    He was called one of the masters of photography known for his different takes on his photos. He took photos of his subjects nude and put effort into composing his photos of landscapes and as well as with objects in their most natural form.
  • Dorothea Lange

    Dorothea Lange
    Known for her influence that caused people to do my documentary photograph and the photo that she had taken of people during the depression era of time. The photo showed what the people had gone though in that time to survive and show how the great depression impacted people.
  • Ansel Adams

    Ansel Adams
    He is the most well known for his heavy contrast landscape photos.
  • Margaret Bourke-White

    Margaret Bourke-White
    She was most known for her works in photojournalism and the photos that she had taken when she had gotten a permit into the soviet union and the work that was published in the magazine called Life
  • Yousef Karsh

    Yousef Karsh
    He was known for his photos of influential people he had taken photos of albert einstein and more people. It was mentioned that he was very particular of the way he positioned the light for his subjects.
  • Henry Cartier-Bresson

    Henry Cartier-Bresson
    Known for his street photography he took photos in the moments his work as some people would describe it as candid. His work also helped photojournalism been seen as a type of art.
  • Arnold Newman

    Arnold Newman
    He was known for his ability to get his subject personality and attributes across in his photo and his work with the photos he took of the environment.
  • Richard Avedon

    Richard Avedon
    Known for his work in the fashion industry with his portraits in the magazines Vogue and Harper Bazaar. It was said that the work that he had created helped form a type of american style
  • Diane Arbus

    Diane Arbus
    She is known for the portitats that she had taken in black and white of her diverse subjects. The subjects that she would have would range from people who were mentally ill to people that were trans. She would get into their personal space when she she took her photos.
  • Jerry Uelsmann

    Jerry Uelsmann
    He is best known with his work that is called photo montage which is when you take a multiple negatives and then start to layer them until you get the image you desire. Which is what he did with his amazing work
  • Annie Leibovitz

    Annie Leibovitz
    Is known for the rolling stones cover photo she has taken like the one she had taken of John Lennon and his wife