
By JOranV
  • Grenouille is Born

    Grenouille is Born
    The main character Grenouille is born. His mother doesn't want him, so she keeps him hidden, waiting for him to die. People heard the baby cry and tried to help him. After that succeeded, his mom was hung for the crime she committed.
  • Grenouille is sent to the orphanage of Madame Gaillard

    Grenouille is sent to the orphanage of Madame Gaillard
    Grenouile became an orphan and was sent to sister Jeanne Bessie. She did not want to have the baby, because he was very greedy and smelled weird. Then Father Terrier took care of him for a while, but later he sent him to the orphanage of Madame Gaillard.
  • Special sense of smell

    Special sense of smell
    Grenouille gets a very special sense of smell in the orphanage. Madame Gaillard believes he has a special power. Eventually the orphanage runs out of money and they decide to give him to a tanner named Grimal.
  • Tanner Grimal

    Tanner Grimal
    Grimal treats Grenouille like a beast and locks him in a closet at night to sleep. At 12, he's allowed some free time. He uses this time to attract smells
  • First murder

    First murder
    Suddenly, in one of his free moments, he smells a very pleasant smell. The smell leads him to a young teenage girl. He strangles her and lies with her until her scent is gone.
  • Baldini

    Grenouille very much wants to work in a perfumery with a man called Baldini. He decides to offer himself to work for him as a Baldinis apprentice. The next day Baldini buys him over from Grimal. He celebrates this event and gets super drunk. Later in the evening he drowns in the Seine.
  • Baldinis Death

    Baldinis Death
    After three years, Baldini has gotten globally known for his aromas, thanks to Grenouille and he gives him Journeyman's papers and permits him to leave his administration. That night, Baldini's shop, which sits on a bridge, falls into the waterway, making Baldini and his better half drown.
  • Grasse

    Grouille travels to Grasse, where he becomes a journeyman for Madame Arnulif who is a perfumer. She teaches him different techniques that help him to make perfume out of scents.
  • Murders

    Grenouille can now make the most obscure scents into perfume. He wants to make a perfume from the best smelling people, so that the world will love him. He kills 24 virgin girls to make that perfume. The inhabitants become super scared.
  • Finishing of the perfect perfume

    Finishing of the perfect perfume
    To finish his perfect perfume that will make everyone love him, he needs to kill one more girl. Her name is Laure. Her father is a smart man and knows his daughter is in great danger, so he decides to leave town. Grenouille is able to track them down with his great smell and kills the girl. His perfume is now finished.
  • Grenouille is arrested

    Grenouille is arrested
    A few days later, Grenouille is arrested. He is sentenced to death. On the day of the execution, the terrain fills with many people. Grenouille is wearing the perfume he made from the 25 virgins he murdered, and the crowd is seized by the thought that Grenouille cannot possibly be the murderer. The effect of Grenouille's perfume then triggers an orgy. Grenouille feels like a god. The verdict is overturned.
  • Grenouilles death

    Grenouilles death
    After the previous event, Grenouille is disgusted by human beings. He is very unhappy. He decides to kill himself. He returns to Paris, where he puts on his perfume in front of vagrants. The group gathers on Grenouille and kill him and then they eat him. They say they did it out of love for him.