
Pedro Calderon De La Barca

By vale8
  • The birth of calderon

    The birth of calderon
    Born in Madrid, Spain to Ana Maria De Henao and Diego Calderon De La Barca
  • Mothers death

    Ana Madrid De Henao a Flemish descent passed away
  • University of Alcala

    University of Alcala
    He matriculated to the University of Alcala but a year later he transferred.
  • Salamanca

    A year later after the university of Alcala he transferred to Salamanca where he continued his studies in art, laws, and theology
  • His fathers death

    His fathers death
    Calderon's father a well to do government official he was a man of harsh and dictatorial temper
  • Beginning plays

    He began to write plays for the court
  • Period: to

    served with the spanish army

    He served with the Spanish army in Italy and Flanders but it was contracted by numerous legal documents which proved he was resided at Madrid during these years.
  • Pedros brother

    His brother Diego was stabbed by an actor who took sanctuary in the convent of Trinitarian nuns
  • El principe constante

    Calderon reported by introducing into "El Principe constante" a mocking reference to paravicinos gongorstic verbiage and was committed to prison. He was soon released, grew rapidly reputation as a playwriting on the death of Lope De Vaga.
  • military order

    The king made him a knight of the military order
  • Period: to

    Becoming a Knight

    He was made a knight of the order of Santiago by Philip IV, who had already commissioned from him a series of spectacular plays for the royal theatre in Buen Retiro
  • Mounted cuirrassiers

    He joined a company of mounted cuirassiers recently raised by Olivares, took part in the Catalonian campaign and distinguished himself by his gallantry at Tarragona.
  • His health failing

    His health failing he retired from the army when three years later he was awarded a special military pension in recognitions of his services in the field
  • Teritary of the order of St.France

    He became a tertiary of the order in St. France and finally reverted to his original intention of joining the priesthood
  • orintaded

    He was presented to a living in the parish of San Salvador at Madrid, and, according to his statement made ayear or two later determined to give up writing for the stage.
  • Period: to

    Calderons autos

    Two of Calderons autos "las Ordenes militares" and "Misticay real Babilona were the subjects of an inquiry by the inquisition the former was censured the manuscript copies were confiscated and was not rescinded until 1671
  • Honoray Champlain

    Calderon was appointed honorary chaplain to Philips IV
  • Last Play

    In his eighty first year he wrote his last secular play," Had y Divisa De Leonido y Marfisa in honor of charles II
  • Calderons death

    He died at the age of 81 his closing years seemed have been passed in poverty