Paul feyerabend

Paul Feyerabend

By jeffkxi
  • Date of birth

    Paul Feyerabend was born on this day.
  • Arbeitsdienst

    When Paul Feyerabend graduated from high school, he was drafted into the Arbeitsdienst, which was the work service created by the Nazis. Two years later, he was drafted into the German Army.
  • Injury

    Shortly after joining the Army, Paul Feyerabend became an officer. During the retreat from the Russian Red Army, he was shot three times. One of those shots hit his spine, which caused him to spend the rest of the war recovering from his injuries. This also caused him to become impotent for the rest of his life. He was only 21 years old at the time of this injury!
  • Meets Karl Popper

    Paul Feyerabend visited the first meeting of the international summer seminar of the Austrian College Society. This is where he first meets Karl Popper, who he was influenced by at the time. He even considered himself as a Popperian. He would later disagree with Popper's ideas. This link leads to a video describing Feyerabend's attitude in science:
  • Against Method

    Paul Feyerabend writes his most famous book, "Against Method". This is the book in which he describes that there are no methodological rules used by scientists. This is how he became known and widely criticized for his "anything goes" approach to the philosophy of science.
  • Date of death

    Paul Feyerabend died on this day.