Paul feyerabend berkeley

Paul Feyerabend

  • Military Life

    Military Life
    Feyerabend was in the German army when Germany annexed Austria. He rose through the ranks as he finished in the Army with the rank of Major. He was also decorated with the Iron Cross Second Class. For his heroic action taking fire from a village, and taking over and occupying the village while on the Russian front. He also got shot in the spine making his last few years in the military paralyzed from the waist down. Which he wasn't able to walk again until a few years after the war.
  • Falsification

    Paul Feyerabend, even though looking up to Karl Popper, went against Popper's popular theory of falsification. Falsification is having the ability to prove that something is false. Feyerabend argued that every theory can be proven false in some way shape or form. Most theories have exceptions to their rules to prevent someone proving their theory false.
  • Against Method

    Against Method
    Against Method was a book published by Feyerabend that fought against the scientific method. He believed that the scientific method put science on a set of rules. By setting science up by rules will inhibit the ability of scientist to discover things. Science should be only held by one rule in his believe, and that is "anything goes." Preston, John. “Paul Feyerabend.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford University, 26 Aug. 1997,
  • Video on Feyerabend

    Here is a video of the philosopher John Wilkins talking about the differences of views between Feyerabend, Wittgenstein, and Popper. Also giving reasons for Feyerabend's believes on why some things should be considered a science.