
Paul Feyerabend

By tbrixey
  • January 13th 1924

    January 13th 1924
    Paul Feyerabend was born in Vienna where he attended primary and high school
  • Period: to

    Feyerabend Drafted

    From 1939 to 1945 Paul Feyerabend is drafted into the German Army. He serves as an enlisted and an officer and is shot three times during the German Retreat
  • Feyerabend Meets Karl Popper

    Feyerabend Meets Karl Popper
    Feyerabend attends a meeting of the Internation Summer Seminar of the Austrian College Society, here is the first time he meets Karl Popper. Feyerabend will work for Popper and is influenced by his theories; however, their relationship turns tumultuous later in Feyerabend's career. Popper and Feyerabend's correspondence was later compiled into a book to outline the ups and downs of the relationship
  • Feyerabend's Papers

    Beginining in 1957 Feyerabend published a series of papers arguing that science needs realism in order to progress and that positivism would stump such progress. This approach followed in line with Feyerabend's teacher Karl Popper.
  • An Attempt at a Realistic Interpretation of Experience

    This is the first time that Feyerabend argued against positivism and instead for a scientific realist account of the relationship between experience and theory. It was at this point that Feyerabend created the "Stability Thesis", the basis of this idea was that even major changes in theory will not the meanings of the terms in the scientific observation language.
  • Defending Materialism

    In two papers published in 1963 he defends the idea of materialism. Materialism was the view that everything that exists is physical. He was an intergral part of the development of a radical position that the "mind that holds that our ordinary, common-sense understanding of the mind is false"
  • Against Method

    Against Method
    In this book, one of his most famous he defended against the idea that science does not follow methodological rules. He was highly critical of the "consistency theory" and Popper's falsification theor, Lakatos philosophy was referred to as "anarchism in disguise". Ultimately he described himself as an "epistemological anarchist".
  • Science in a Free Society

    Science in a Free Society
  • Problems of Empiricism

    Problems of Empiricism
  • Realism, Rationalism, and The Scientific Method

    Realism, Rationalism, and The Scientific Method
  • Failwell to Reason

    Failwell to Reason
  • Fun Fact! Feyerabend's Asteroid

    Fun Fact! Feyerabend's Asteroid
    In 1992 an asteroid in the main belt was named after Paul Feyerabend.
  • Paul Feyerabnd Anything Can Go
    In this video Paul Feyerabend describes his career, how he arrived to his ideas and theories, and major events that influenced him.
  • Killing Time The Autobiography of Paul Feyerabend

    Killing Time The Autobiography of Paul Feyerabend
  • Death February 11th 1994