Paul Feyerabend (1924-1994)

  • Attending University in Vienna

    Feyerband went o university in Vienna where he chose to study History and Sociology. Originally he was looking into studying physics or mathematics but decided he wanted to study something that had more connection to life. Mind you at this point in time Feyerband had experienced the affects of two world wars and had not survived without feeling the effects of it all.
  • Feyerabend and Empiricism

    Feyerabend was a large advocate for empiricism. He gave many lectures and wrote many works that advocated for realism in science so that in turn it would end up forcing the scientific community to include more empiricist views into their work.
  • Against method

    In the 1970s, He took a stance against the scientific method and argued more for relativism. It was at this point of his life that he was popularly known as the "worst enemy" of science. Unfortunately Feyerabend was working with Lakatos on the their publication titled "Against Method" and he had met his untimely end.
  • Farewell to Reason

    Feyerabend writes "Farewell to Reason" as an advocate for relativism and also for the western culture. H argues that the diversity that the western culture brings is their main protection against totalitarian. He also states that even with such a diverse culture beneath the surface their is a uniformity that allows unity,
  • Work Cited

    Preston, John, "Paul Feyerabend", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2020 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL =