By 35561
  • Exposition: setting

    Exposition: setting
    The setting that Tom Vincent traveled in is very cold Klondike, Alaska in January. The setting that he was hiking in is described as, “The frost was sixty-degrees below zero, and be had thirty miles of lonely trail to cover, but he did not mind.”.
  • Exposition: characterization

    The previous quote also describes the type of character that Tom is; he is suborn, determined and resilient.
  • Rising Action

    The rising action is when Tom starts to eat his biscuit with his gloves off and begins to shake because he is so cold. He realizes now that he has to endure frost bite. Then he puts his gloves back on, so he stays warm.
  • Climax

    The climax of the story is when Tom falls into the water, and gets wet but makes it back to land safely. “At the instant he broke through he felt the cold water strike his feet and ankles, and with half a dozen lunges he made the bank.”
  • Falling Action

    The falling action of the story is after Tom falls in the water and he plans to make a fire to stay warm. He lights the matches and they do not work at first, but eventually he gets the fire started in his hands.
  • Resolution

    He makes it home safely.