By 35504
  • Exposition: Setting

    Exposition: Setting
    The character is making his way to Cherry Creek Divide on a cold and snowy day in January.
  • Exposition: Characterization

    Exposition: Characterization
    The main character is Tom Vincent. He is described as big-boned and big-muscled. He is strong both in his head and in his hands.
  • Rising Action

    Tom is traveling through the snow.
  • Rising Action

    Tom begins to get frost bite because of the bleak weather in the mountains.
  • Rising Action

    Tom continues to travel through the very cold mountains although he is struggling.
  • Climax

    Tom decides to build a fire.
  • Falling Action

    Tom tries to build a fire but he is having a hard time because he keeps getting colder and colder.
  • Falling Action

    Tom tried again to build a fire and was successful.
  • Falling Action

    As soon as he got the fire going, an accumulation of snow from above fell down on Tom and put out his fire.
  • Falling Action

    The frost was beating him and he could barely move his body, especially his hands.
  • Falling Action

    Tom intentionally burns his hands in order to build another fire.
  • Falling Action

    Falling Action
    He succesfully builds a fire and stays by it all night to keep warm.
  • Falling Action

    He got up and limped his way to Cherry Creek Divide.
  • Resolution

    After a month, he is able to walk again. Now he knows to never travel alone.