To build a fire


By 35102
  • Exposition: Setting

    Exposition: Setting
    The story is set in the Yukon during the great Klondike Gold Rush, when over 100,000 people flocked to Canada’s Yukon Territory in search of gold.
  • Exposition: Characterization

    He was a strapping young fellow, big-boned and big-muscled, with faith in himself and in the strength of his head and hands
  • Rising Action

    The man gets his legs wet and he has to stop his journey for an hour to warm up his boots but his fingers and feet are starting to go numb.
  • Climax

    He can’t make a fire and he’s becoming more and more desperate to find warmth. He thinks about killing his dog to warm his hands but he realizes that he doesn’t have the tools to do so.
  • Falling Action

    The man lies down in the snow and allows himself to slowly freeze to death, which he drifts off to sleep.
  • Resolution

    After the man died, the dog leaves toward the camp where it knows it will find food and a fire.