
Oedipus Timeline

  • 510 BCE

    Oedipus' Fate

    Oedipus' parents were told by the Oracle of Delphi that their son will kill his father (King Laius) and marry his mother (Queen Jocasta).
  • 509 BCE

    Mount Cithaeron

    As a result of the Oracle's prophecy, Laius & Jocasta ordered a servant to pin Oedipus' legs together and leave him on Mount Cithaeron to die.
  • 508 BCE

    Oedipus Survives

    Oedipus Survives
    While on Mount Cithaeron, a shepherd took pity on Oedipus and rescues him. The shepherd then gives Oedipus to King Polybus and Queen Merope who adopted him.
  • 507 BCE

    Oedipus leaves Corinth

    Oedipus learns from the Oracle of Delphi that he is destined to kill his father and marry his mother. Thinking that Polybus and Merope are his (birth) parents, he leaves Corinth to stop the prophecy from coming true.
  • 506 BCE

    Oedipus kills his father

    On his way to Thebes, Oedipus encounters Laius on some crossroads (unknowing that he is his birth father or the king of Thebes). Laius enrages Oedipus and as a result, Oedipus kills Laius.
  • 505 BCE

    King Oedipus

    King Oedipus
    Oedipus upon arriving at Thebes encounters the Sphinx who has plagued Thebes. In order to defeat the Sphinx, someone has to answer the Sphinx's riddle. Oedipus correctly answers the Sphinx's riddle, defeating her and become king of Thebes.
  • 504 BCE

    Oedipus marries his mother.

    After becoming king, Oedipus marries Queen Jocasta and has 4 children with her unknowing that she is his mother.
  • 503 BCE

    Thebes' Plague

    In order to stop Thebes' plague, Laius murder needed to be exiled from Thebes. As a result, Oedipus declares that whoever killed Laius would be exiled from Thebes and nothing else without knowing that he was the murder.
  • 502 BCE

    Oedipus Learns the Truth

    A messenger comes to tell Oedipus that Polybes is dead and that he is able to become king of Corinth. Oedipus says that he does not want to return to Corinth because he does not want to marry his mother like the Oracle said he would. The messenger responds to this saying that Polybus and Merope aren't his birth parents. The messenger turned out to be the shepherd that saved Oedipus said that he found Oedipus on Mount Cithaeron. This causes Oedipus to wonder who his parents actually were.
  • 501 BCE

    Oedipus Learns the Truth (Pt. 2)

    The messenger then gets another shepherd that knows more about it than he does. The shepherd (after the threat of torture), he says that Oedipus was Laius' son. With this information, Oedipus realizes that the Propchy has come true.
  • 500 BCE


    After figuring out the truth, Jocasta locked herself in her room and hung herself. After seeing this, Oedipus stabs his eyes out because he didn't want to see the world now that he knows the truth about his past. Oedipus is then exiled from Thebes upon wishing to be exiled.