Nolan Fehrman's Innovators and Inventions Timeline

  • Period: to

    Innovators and Inventions Between 1860 and 1900

  • Chewing Gum

    Chewing Gum
    Thomas Adams created the first chewing gum in 1870 in New York City. Santa Anna became a prisoner and showed Adams a piece of chicle. Adams tried to create a rubber multiple times out of it but failed so he popped a piece into his mouth and made chewing gum
  • Innovator Andrew Carnegie

    Innovator Andrew Carnegie
    Steel was already a big possibility of making money in the United States when Andrew Carnegie decided to open his own company in Pittsburgh. He invested a lot of money into relatively unknown companies. He made a lot of money through here. Once he had enough money, he remade the steel industry by making steel cheaper and better. This was all done through buying a lot of materials and new ways of making steel.
  • Cash Register

    Cash Register
    James Ritty in 1879 created the first cash register in Dayton, Ohio. He wanted to make counting change a lot faster and he did it by creating a new company.
  • Innovator Nikola Tesla

    Innovator Nikola Tesla
    Nikola Tesla created a new type of electricity by making AC electricity in 1888 and it is still used around the world. He started out by getting money from George Westinghouse and eventually developed AC to be the biggest electrical supply of the world.