Noam Chomsky was born 12/7/1928 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
He is known as an american linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, and social critic. -
Period: to
Chomsky's education
Noam Chomsky at age 16 attended the University of Pennsylvania, he later attended Harvard University, achieved his bachelor’s degree in linguistics in 1949, a master’s degree in 1951, and earned his doctorate in 1955. -
Book released "Syntactic Structures"
Noam Chomsky first published this book with the theory that children are born with the knowledge of language and grammar. This is an argument against the known theory of children born with a blank slate and everything is learned. This is something he focused on for many years and what he is mainly known for in his findings.
While this was one of his first books, he has to date published over a hundred essays and books, which makes him widely cited in the university world. -
Theory Of Universal Grammar
Chomsky has a theory that we are all born with an innate knowledge of grammar that serves as the basis for all language comprehention. This means that language for humans is a basic instinct.
Retrieved from [https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy2.apus.edu/docview/1732544512?accountid=8289] -
Language Acquisition
I have attached a short video that breaks down Chomsky's theory that we as humans are born with an innate knowledge of grammar and it isn't something learned, we just don't know how to properly communicate these words and sentences from the beginning. But as he insists that the knowledge is there.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Cgpfw4z8cw] -
Political anti-war attention
Noam Chomsky gained widespread public attention for his anti-war essay entitled "The Responsibility of Intellectuals". This was the beginning of a very long political activist part of his publications as well. While he has made some very important strides with the linguist world, he is better known for his political stance and to this day, is now teaching politics! -
Published Book "The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory"
This is the second of many books Noam Chomsky will publish based on the human knowledge and cognitive thinking to form grammar on our own by instinct. This focuses on the English language and goes into detail about "transformational generative grammar" which was a key theory that was a major point in his career.