
Noam Chomsky: Born 7 December 1928 (91 years old)

By 4004594
  • Editorial in School Paper

    At the age of Ten Chomsky showed his ability to not only read and understand, but at the age of 10 he was able to write an editorial on the subject of the Spanish Civil War and the rise of Facisim in Europe which I think most people would agree is a subject far above more 10 year olds scope of life.
  • Entered College

    At only 16 years old Chomsky entered college attending the University of Pennsylvania. I would say much like most college students he did not know what he wanted to do, but a couple of years in he started to get his grove and find those who helped shape him into the intellectual that he would later become.
  • Master's Thesis

    Chomsky wrote his master's thesis The Morphophonemics of the Modern Hebrew, while he was a fellow at Harvard.
  • Earned PhD

    Chomsky earned his PhD from the University of Pennsylvania. After earning his PhD he would then move on to MIT
  • Published

    Chomsky was able to get his book Aspects of the Theory of Syntax.