Born and Raised
Avram Noam Chomsky was born in Philadelphia on 7 December 1928. His parents were large influences in his life both being incredibly active in Hebrew education and political arenas. Chomsky would take his parents ideals and passions to new heights, later becoming one of the most influential activist, linguist, and philosophers in recent times.
https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxEhDGb9uHN0POBp-giloAOmnaQpPf5-G2 -
Linguistics, logic and love
In 1945 Chomsky will begin his college career. Though college initially fell short of impressing him, a linguist instructor Zellig Harris would inspire Chomsky further into activism and linguistics. He shared both passions with his childhood friend & future wife Carol Schatz. By 1949 Chomsky had earned his BA in Linguistics, philosophy, & logic and was happily married. By 1955 he'd earned his PhD and a professor position at MIT. https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx3sipBDxsLG7BfHvF4c21CaSh9uRZZIsH -
Linguistic Revolution
Chomsky rebelled even in his own field. He challenged behaviorism’s theory that language is learned by external queues and stimulus. Chomsky proposed humans have an innateness for language. Claiming a structural approach cannot account for the infinite ways sentences are formed. Though his critique of B.F. Skinner brought interest the publication of Aspects of the Theory of Syntax (1965) would signify the revolution of linguistics. https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxGsmF1fN3Gezf-9GgiOhxYDdwBZJNtBEV -
Never stop speaking about thinking
Throughout his life he has been an activist and a renowned scholar. His work in the political sector has brought critiques towards the American government spanning from the Vietnam war to the use of Drone Warfare. His continued need to speak about thinking offers insights and challenges still today on how we are taught, what we are learning and who is really doing the teaching. https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxSOu1JhfXaOj5JaBCr0P7FuhyZcmyf-45