
Nikita Khrushchev

  • Birth of a Dictator

    Birth of a Dictator
    On April 17, 1894 Nikita Khrushchev was born in Kalinovka a small town in South Russia near the Ukrainian border. He was born into a normal working family and at a young age got a job to help support his family. His birth is important because he would grow up to be a dictator and an important role in 20th century history especially in the Cold War. (Gale pg1)
  • The Wright Brothers Fly A Plane

    The Wright Brothers Fly A Plane
    On December 17th of 1903 the Wright Brothers successfully flew the first plane. This opened up a floodgate of opportunities in careers as well as commercial flight. A part of our life that has become a norm but wouldn't have been made possible without the Wright Brothers. (Grun 300)
  • San Francisco Earthquake

    San Francisco Earthquake
    In 1906 one of the worst natural disasters of all time occurred. It caused great damage all across San Francisco. This caused a complete rebuild of the city and new earthquake technology and sturdier buildings.("Cars, Planes, Teddy Roosevelt and the 1900s")
  • World War I Begins

    World War I Begins
    On July 28th 1914 WW1 was declared. It happened after Serbian nationalist named Gavrilo Princip killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. This caused the first World War which left a lasting impact on the world and ultimately led to World War and shaped 20th century European history. ("OUTBREAK OF WORLD WAR I")
  • Joined The Red Army/Communist Party

    Joined The Red Army/Communist Party
    At just age 20 in 1918, Khrushchev joined the Communist Party. During the Russian Revolution he helped fight for the Red Army. This was vital to him and the nation. To him it helped him become a full believer in Communism which gave him many ideas that would later impact the entire nation as he became dictator. Joining the party allowed him to climb through the ranks where he became a member of the Central Committee The war itself also impacted history as Khrushchev's side won.( Gale pg1)
  • Rise Through The Ranks 1922-1935

    Rise Through The Ranks 1922-1935
    In 1922 Nikita began work in the Iuzovka Party organization. After beginning his work he rose through the ranks for many years until he was finally elected to the Central Committee at the Seventeenth Party Congress in 1934.This is very important as this would all lead up to his ultimate achievement as an important dictator in the Soviet Union. He also learned many things in this time about Communism and the different leaders he worked with and those before him. (Evans 1)
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    On October 29th in 1929 the stock market crashed and pummeled the United States into a ten year economic turn down. At its worst around 15 million Americans were unemployed and around half the country's banks had failed.Luckily the government was able to create many jobs to help but had left the US changed. ("THE GREAT DEPRESSION")
  • Political Commissar

    Political Commissar
    As World War II began Khrushchev was granted the role of Lieutenant. His most important role was at the Battle of Stalingrad in 1942. His role was not major but it was a very important part of his life and rise to power. During the battle he had visited Moscow on multiple occasions to meet with Joseph Stalin who was vital to his rise to power and role in Soviet leadership after Stalin's death. The result, a victory for the Soviets which was important to the outcome of WW2.(“Nikita Khrushchev”)
  • Relieved of Secretary

    Relieved of Secretary
    In 1947 Khrushchev was accused of stamping out nationalism in Ukraine where he held position of First Secretary.In turn he was relieved of his position of First Secretary though he continued to hold his role as post of Chairman of the Ukrainian Soviet and his position on Politburo. This is an important part of his life as that position was one of his most powerful of his and for him to lose it made him a much less powerful person until he regained his role the following year. (Evans 1)
  • Rise In Power 1949-1958

    Rise In Power 1949-1958
    Beginning in 1949 Nikita Khrushchev began a massive rise in power that reached until 1958. The first step to rise in power was in 1949 when he was made head of Moscow and Made head of Moscow and city committees as well as made Secretary of the Central Committee. This gave him control of agriculture services in Russia. Then in 1953 he was made first secretary of the communist party since the death of Stalin. Then in 1955 when Malenkov resigned as Chairman of the Council of Ministers,
  • Rise In Power 1949-1958 Continued

    Rise In Power 1949-1958 Continued
    Khrushchev consolidated his power. Lastly in 1958 he assumed the role of chairman of the Soviet of Ministers as well as party leader, forcing Nikolai Bulganin to resign. (Evans 1)
  • Crick and Watson discover DNA

    Crick and Watson discover DNA
    On the morning of February 28th in 1953 Crick and Watson discovered the structure of the DNA. This opened up new discoveries in science and in the medical field. (Grun 651)
  • First Sputnik Launched

    First Sputnik Launched
    In 1957 the space race was ignited when the Soviet Union launched the first Sputnik into space. This is important as the space race caused tensions between the Soviet Union and the US that Khrushchev had to solve. (Evans 1)
  • The Berlin Crisis

    The Berlin Crisis
    In 1958 Khrushchev gave a speech where he demanded that the powers of the United States, Great Britain and France take out their forces of West Berlin within six months. This cause a 3 year crisis ultimately leading to the building of the Berlin Wall. To stop people from flowing from East (Communist) Germany to West Germany. The west thought of his speech as an ultimatum and in 1961 the Berlin Wall was built as a result, a vital part of Communism in Europe.( “The Berlin Crisis, 1958–1961.”)
  • The Importance of The Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Importance of The Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Cuban Missile Crisis was a very important to history as it was the closest the two super powers came closest to a conflict. If they had came to a conflict the world would have changed a lot. Many US cities may have been in a nuclear wasteland and the powers may never be as strong again.(Kort 71)
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    As the Cold War reached its height in 1962 a time known as the Cuban Missile Crisis. It happened when the United States discovered that the soviets had nuclear missiles stationed in Cuba. This resulted in a 13 day standoff with high tensions in the United States as they braced for all out nuclear war. In the end Khrushchev agreed to remove the weapons from Cuba and in return US president JFK consented to not attack Cuba and remove his nuclear weapons from Turkey.(Kort 71)
  • "I Have A Dream" Speech

    "I Have A Dream" Speech
    On August 28th of 1963 Martin Luther King Jr. gave a speech that inspired many of the civil rights movement. He addressed about 250,000 people attending the March on Washington for Jobs and freedom. It ignited many to take part in the movement and ultimately led to more African American right in the United States. ("King speaks to March on Washington")
  • The Death Of Nikita Khrushchev

    The Death Of Nikita Khrushchev
    On September 11, 1971 Khrushchev passed away of natural causes. Years before his death Khrushchev was replaced by Leonid Brezhnev in 1964 due to his old age and poor health. But after his death the Khrushchev era came to an end and years later the Soviet Union collapsed. (Gale 2)