Feb 19, 1473
Nicolas Copernicus life begins
On February 19, 1473 Nicolas Copernicus was born in the city of Thorn(Tou'n) in the kingdom of Poland in royal Russia.His father was a merchant and his mother was the daughter of a wealthy Toru'n merchant.He was the youngest of four. -
Jan 1, 1491
In the winter of 1491-92 Copernicus and his brother Andrew went to the university of Krakow an astronomical- math scool now know as Jagiellonian University.He began his studies in art from the fall of 1991 to 1495, which acquired his achevements in math.His studies throurough grounded in a good knowledge of the philosaphical and nature science writings of Aristotle which later played an important role in shaping his theory. -
Jan 1, 1495
Education continued:
His four years at Krako'w played an important role in developing his critical faculties and initiated his analysis of the logical contradictions in the two systems of astronomy.Without taking a degree in the fall of 1495 he left Krako'w for the court of his uncle Watzenrode who send him and his brother to study in Italy. Copernicus arrived in Bologna and a few months later (Jan.6 1497) he signed himself up at Bologna University of Jurists"German nation". -
Jan 1, 1496
Education continued:
During his three years at Bologna he between the fall of 1496 and the spring of 1501 he devoted himself to studying canon law and received his doctorate in law ony 7 years later following his second return to Italy in 1503. He studied the humanities and astronomy. Later he met the famous astronomy Domenico Maria Novara da Ferrara and became his disciple and assistant. -
Mar 9, 1497
Education continued:
He began to develope new ideas and on March 9,1497 he verified his observations about certain peculiarities in Ptolemy's theory of the Moons motion by conducting a memorable observation of Aldebaran, whose results reinforced his doubts as to the geocentrric system.He sought conformation for his growing doughts throgh closer reading of Greek and Latin autors gathering historic information about ancient astronomical,cosmological, and calendar systems. -
Jan 1, 1500
His years at the University of Padua
He spent the year of 1500 in Rome however he continued his astonomical work begun at Bologna and in the late summer or fall he returned to Italy at the University of Padua from the fall of 1501 to the summer of 1503.He didn't limit himself to his official studies and now is when he saw the beginning of his Hellenistic interest.There also seems to be that at this time they finally crystallized the idea of basing a new system of the world on the movement of Earth. -
May 31, 1503
His return home
On May 31,1503 he passed his exames and was granted the degree of doctor of canon law and soon after he he left Italy to return to Warmia where hw would live out the remaining 40 years of his life.He became his uncles secretaty and pyisician from 1503 to 1510 where he began to work on his heliocentric theory. -
Jan 1, 1511
Copernicus finished his outline for his theory and begans makin observations
In 1511 he wrote his outline for the theory it was a descrpition of the world's heliocentric mechanism and based some assumptions regarding Earth's triple motions but he only made a few copies and only gave them to his closest acqquaintances.He conducted astronomical observations in 1513-1516 and in 1522-43 from an small tower using primitive intruments and conducted over half of his more than 60 registered astronomical observations. -
Jan 1, 1513
Copernicus continues his book
Some time before 1514 Copernicus made available to his friends a 40 page description of his ideas about the heliocentric hypothesis but he still had to gather more deatails and in about 1532 he basically completed his work but he still wouldn't publish his views.In 1533 the pope Clemnt VII had heard lectures and was interested in Coernicus' therory. -
Jan 1, 1542
Copernicus Book (De revolutionibus)
Rheticus became Copernicus' pupil, staying with him for two years and writing a book, outlining the essence of Copernicus' theory.In 1542 Rheticus published a treatise on trigonometry by Copernicus.Under pressure from Rheticus, and having seen the favorable first general reception of his work, he finally agreed to have to have his book delivered and printed.He handed the supervising task to Osiander but, he added an unauthorized and unsigned peace of work from his hypothesis. -
Jan 1, 1543
Copernicus' major theory was published in the year of his death(1543) but he had formated the theory several decades earlier. -
May 24, 1543
His Death
Copernicus died in Frauenburg(Frombork) on may 24,1543. Legends say the first printed copy of his book was placed in his hands the day he died allowing him to farewell his life's work.He had awoken from his stroke looked at the book and then died.Copernicus was buried in Frombork Catheral, archaeoligist looked for his remains for over two centries. -
They think they found his remains
After scanning beneath the cathedral floor, they dicovered what they believed to be his remains.The finding came after a year of searching but was annoced on Nov.3,2008. Although they were almost 100% sure it was him they found out it was a man who died around 70, and on May 2010 Copernicus was given a second funeral and his remains were buried in the same spot where the skull and other bones were found.