My Grandfather

By uriño
  • He Be Born

     He Be Born
    My grandfather was born in 1946 in my father's shoe factory in Barcelona on December 25.
  • Start School

    Start School
    His start school he was very nervous but excited he couldn't stop shouting and bothering, in a Catholic school on the out of Barcelona
  • his first job

    his first job
    got his first job, It was in a toy factory because he loves to invent. At the age of 20 in Barcelona, ​​he made his first contacts as a businessman.
  • Wedding

    My grandparents Jordi and Ana got married in Barcelona in 1983 through the church. And according to them it was the best day of their life.
  • First Son

    First Son
    They had their first child at the age of 43 in Lleida named Marc because they wanted to have a son, in their new house in a town in Lleida.
  • Retire

    He retired from the toy factory where he started at the age of 62 in Barcelona, ​​being a toy manager.