220px miguel ángel  por daniele da volterra (detalle)


  • Mar 6, 1475


    Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni was born on March 6, 1475 in Caprese Italy."Lace"pg10 When growing up his mother passed away when he was 6 and was sent to live with a stone cutter. This is important because this is where he learned his love of sculpting and creating statues. ''Lace''pg
  • Jun 1, 1479

    Copenhagen University Founded

    Copenhagen University Founded
    Denmark's oldest university and the oldest Northern Europe university. It opened with traditional medieval faculties of theology, law, medicine and philosophy. It's the first university in Denmark and allowed people to go to school there. "www.about.com"
  • 1483

    Early life

    At the age of 13 he dropped out of grammar school. Soon he would be apprenticed by Domenico Ghirlandaio, painter in Florence. This was the start for Michelangelo to get into painting and sculpting. Without being able to read or write he went right into doing what he loved to do. ''Gale'' pg.2
  • 1483

    King John II refuses to finance Columbus's voyage

    King John II refused to finance Columbus's voyage due to his offer. He went to someone else,but returned to portugal to talk to king John II about conquering the south. This started tension toward trade routes and made people nervous that Portugal will attack them."www.sjsv.edu"
  • 1486

    Portugueses discover Angelo

    The Portuguese discovered Angelo in 1486. It led to them opening up exploration in America and let them conquer more land. Also, it led Portugal to conquer lands to gain power to rule the world. www.elizabethan.org"
  • 1490

    First orphanages in Italy and Holand

    First orphanages in Italy and Holand
    Was created in 1490 to help homeless children. Helped many families find a new child to have on their own. Also, allowed to put kids in homes who were missing one."www.britannica.com"
  • 1492

    First Creation

    At the age of 17 Michelangelo made his first sculpture. It was a stone relief executed. This is the start for Michelangelo and shows what he can do. By making this at a young age shows that he knows how to create statues and sculptures for popes or kings. ''Gale'' pg 2
  • 1498

    First German Pawnshop at Nuremberg

    Allowed people to trade or buy gifts for people. Was able to find antiques for their houses and had a wide variety of things to buy. FInally, allowed Nuremberg to earn some money for all the things bought in pawn shops."www.google.books"
  • 1498

    First Commission

    First Commission
    When living in Rome Michelangelo got his first important job there. He had to create a statue of pieta for St. Peter's Basilica. This piece is still the most famous piece for this statue. Many people come to see his magnificent work he created. ''Gale'' pg 2
  • 1501

    Sculpting David

    Sculpting David
    This was a huge accomplishment for Michelangelo. He just finished sculpting pieta and now is asked to sculpt David from the Old Testament. He wanted to do this statue due to his heroic and spiritual acts. By doing this he became more famous and was the greatest artist at that time. "Gale'' pg. 3
  • 1508

    The Sistine Chapel

    The Sistine Chapel
    Painting this ceiling was Michelangelo's greatest challenge. It took him four years to paint it. He had to set up different walls and chairs to hold him to paint it. This was Michelangelo's greatest creation and is a major tourist attraction. Also, it made him world famous and allowed people to see fine art being created. ''Lace'' pg. 49
  • 1510

    Hamburg becoming free

    Hamburg becoming free
    Hamburg, Germany became a free country from the Holy Roman Empire. This gave them the ability to become a free country and make its own rules. Also, they can create an empire to defeat who they wanted and gain power to become a Holy Empire."www.hamburg.com
  • 1515

    Finishing the Sistine Chapel

    Finishing the Sistine Chapel
    After finishing it he went to work on Julius II tomb. He was close to Julius and wanted to make his tomb. It would let him sculpt for a reason not just for money. It had an sentimental value toward making this tomb. He had to do different jobs, but he made sure he went back to try to finish the tomb."Barter"pg78
  • 1530

    Michelangelo's poetry

    Over 300 poems were found that he made. This helps us see that he didn't just make paintings and sculptures. He made poems about his artistic ideas and Neoplatonic love and are full of logical contradictions. He wasn't just good at creating statues and paintings. That he had a good idea on how to create good poetry too."Gale"pg 4
  • 1547

    The Last Judgment

    The Last Judgment
    Nearly after 24 years later, Pope Paul III requested for Michelangelo.Completing it in four years it was starting to get hard for him. He was 60 at the time and was soon time to stop. This piece of art was a psychological profile of an aging Michelangelo. He made it to show chaos and confusion as christ passes judgment on all the souls who await their fate. "Barter"pg 81-82
  • Feb 18, 1564

    Death of Michelangelo

    Death of Michelangelo
    Michelangelo died a good life. He became one of the world's best artist, sculpture, and painter. He accomplished many amazing pieces of art and created some of the world's best statues. Also, he helped bring artist to start painting and inspired many people to change their minds about how to see art. "Lace"pg 89