Diego Rivera
Diego Rivera was an artist who's greatest work took place during the Mexican Revolution. The revolution inspired his work and made them filled with Mexican culture and history. The main composition of Rivera's work was murals. He wanted to show the life of the working people and their lives during this time. After his death in 1957, Rivera became an imortant figure of the 20th century and is memorlized. -
The Uprising
Emiliano Zapata started gathering up rebellious peasants as early as 1909. He saw the election of 1910as an opportunity to promote land reform and team up with Madero to help him gain the president position. Also in his alliance was Pancho Villa and Pascual Orozco. He ultimately was unhappy with what happened after the election because Madero didn't care about land reform as much as he claimed. This started Zapata on his way of being a great war general. -
The Start of the Revolution
The people living in Mexico were under the rule of a dictator named Porfirio Díaz. Although he was doing things to improve Mexico he was also bullying people into supporting him. These people were getting tired of being mistreated. The poorer citizens suffering from poverty were influenced the most from the lack of improvement. This caused an uprising against Diaz leading to the Mexican Revolution. -
Removal of Díaz
Díaz started to take the land of Mexican citizens leaving these people to uprise. During this time Francisco Madero became popular figure to the people. With the overthrowing of Díaz Madero became the new president. He was a bad leader like Diaz though with a short term of 2/3 years. Madero made empty promises to get the people their land back. -
Huerta's Beginning
Huerta admired Díaz and served as a general in the army before coming president. Huerta when assuming power by, killing Madero, started a military dictatorship. This is obviously didn't go over well with the people causing more unrest. Venustiano Carranza began to form a plan and army to take down Huerta with the help of Zapata. -
The Downfall of Madero
Madero's time as president was short lived and uneffective on changing the horrible status of Mexico's government rulers. Victorano Huerta led a government force that was paired with Díaz's nephew and they seized Madero. Huerta commanded for him to gain the power of President and has Madero shot. Huerta himself ending being a dictator. His presidency was also short lived like those before him, making finding a good leader for Mexico seemingly impossible. -
The United State's Involvement
The U.S, had its own agreements and its fights with Mexico during the time of the Revolution. Starting off with a U.S, ambassador helped to overthrow Madero, then President Wilson was horrified at the murders of President Madero, therefore he didn't see Huerta as the leader. This caused a lot of conflict with Mexico leading to fighting and involvement of other countries as allies. Next were many border mishaps with Villa causing the States to chase him for a while until an eventual negotation. -
The Take Down of Huerta
Carranza's army/plan consisted of some fimilar supporters and some new ones including Villa, Zapata, and Orozco. With the alliance of all these people they were able to secure victories causing Huerta to resign. Huerta's time in power was one of the shortest and uneffective. He fled to Spain and the the United States where he was taken into custody meeting his death. After Huerta was gone Carranza and Villa soon split up their allied force. -
The Up and Coming of Carranza
The New Constitution was formed Feb. 5 1917. Carranza was president under the New Mexican Republic, which was suiting considering he had a history in politics. To no surprise Carranza acheived little while in power. This was due to a heavy opponent in Zapata and his continued rebellions. What he was able to do during his time as president was keep Mexico nuetral in World War I and accepted changes to the Constitution including landownership and social reforms. -
The End of Zapata
Zapata got his forces and went looking for new allies, he even went searching in the United States. Zapata worried that after the World War the U.S. would turn on Mexico which made him fear having to fight under Carranza. Zapata continued to be active and voice his opinion even though his own troops advised him to stay low. Pablo González and Guajardo worked togther on a plan to fake him out and make him think Guajardo was on his side. Gonalez's forces killed him that day. -
Carranza's Assassination
Carranza decided not to take part in the upcoming election of 1920 seeing as Diaz did it and it only caused him trouble. so he just helped endorse a candidate. Obregón, one of the candidates for the 1920 election came up with a plan for Carranza's assassination. He drove Carranza's army to Mexico City, and Carranza himself fled too. Hoping for safety and being able to regroup he started his journey to to Veracruz. He stopped at Tlaxacalantongo and was there betrayed and killed in his sleep. -
Rise of Obrégon
Obregon was a general in the Mexican Revolution, and gained huge popularity among the mexican people. He supported Sonora's decision to follow Carranza as leader of a revolution against Huerta. Carranza made Obregón commander of the revolutionary forces in northwestern Mexico and in 1915 made him minister of war. In 1920, Obregón launched a revolt against Carranza, in which Carranza was assassinated; he won the next election for president with lots of support and was president from 1920-1924. -
End of the Revolution
Carranza made a constitution that was fairly beneficial for most Mexicans he became hated for murdering Zapata. In 1920 he tried to break up railroad strike, furthering people’s dislike of Carranza. After he realized his political career was ending, Carranza attempted to flee Mexico. He was murdered on May, 21, 1920. Huerta became president, until elections could be held. Obregón was elected President, on December 1st, 1920, the Mexican Revolution came to a close. -
Fall of Obregón
Obregón won the 1928 Mexican presidential election. However, months before fulfilling his job as the president he was assassinated. His predecessor as president, Plutarco Calles, treated Catholics harshly. This harsh treatment had led to a rebellion known as the Cristero War, which occurred in 1926. As an ally of Calles, Obregon was hated by Catholics and was assassinated on July 17, 1928, shortly after his return to Mexico City. He was assassinated by José de León Toral, a Catholic angered by t -
The History of Meixco: A Mural
This painting is a very busy decpiction of tmany parts of the Mexican Revolution. The picture seems overall positive for Mexico and their future. Part of the art shows an eagle wich is also featured on the Mexican flag, a huge piece of symbolism. Also at the top of the painting theres two men holding a banner that says, "Tierra y Libertad," which means land and liberty. Diego was inspired by the revolution and the people fighting in it were inspired by him. (no month or day found)