
  • unremitting

    ''With unremitting zeal he had worked to beautify the interior of the cabin''(Burroughs 31). never relaxing or slackening; incessant.
  • Concealment

    Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs''Tubalt,however,was close upon his heels,so that he had no opportunity to seek a place of concealment,but saw that he would be put to it to escape at all.''Page 68
  • Perplexed

    ''Tarzan was perplexed''.(Burroughs 131).completely baffled;very puzzled
  • Timidity

    ''But again the timidity of the wild thing in he face of human habitation swept over Tarzan of the apes.''(Burroughs page 199).Lacking in self assurance,courage,bravery.
  • Agony

    Tarzan of the apes by Edgar rice Burroughs''In agony the man watched,fearful to launch his spear,powerless to fly.''(Burroughs page 131) Extreme physical or mental suffering
  • Loathe

    ''I should loathe the man to whom I sold myself without love,whomsoever he might be''(Burroughs Page 267).Feel intense dislike or disgust for.
  • Bargain

    ''I do not love you,Cecil,she said,but I respect you.If I must disgrace myself by such a bargain with any man,I prefer that it be one I already despise(Burroughs page 267)an agreement between two or more parties as to what each party will do for the other.
  • Numerous

    The return of Tarzan by Edgar rice Burroughs''Tarzan had sought his deck chair,where he sat speculating on the numerous instances of human cruelty,selfishness,and spite that had fallen to his lot to witness since that day in the jungle four years since'' (Burroughs page 302)great in number; many.
  • Superior

    The return of Tarzan Burroughs ''And then,as the men stood looking first at Tarzan and then at their superior the ape-man did the one thing which was needed to erase the last remnant of animosity which they might have felt for him.''(Burroughs 325)higher in rank, status, or quality.
  • Pleasant

    ''Tarzan of the Apes was wrapped in thoughts of the past;pleasant memories of the happier occasions of his lost jungle life''.(Burroughs 348)giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment.
  • Interpreter

    The return of Tarzan BY Edgar rice Burroughs:''He spent the hours until dark wandering about the market in company with a youthful Arab,one Abdul,who had been recommended to him by the innkeeper as a trustworthy servant interpreter.(Burroughs 358)a person who interprets, especially one who translates speech orally.
  • affirmative

    ''His friendship and liking for the girl were potent factors in urging him toward an affirmative decision( Burroughs 400)agreeing with a statement or to a request.
  • Enlisted

    ''The several letters that passed between them brought Clayton to nearer to a consummation of his hopes than he had been before,and so it was that he wrote directly to professor Porter,and enlisted his services''(Burroughs pg411).enroll or be enrolled in the armed services.
  • Corker

    ''It's to take Mrs.Strong and Miss Strong,and Thuran,too,if he'll come,as far as England with us on the yacht.Now isn't that a corker?''an excellent or astonishing person or thing(Burroughs 426).
  • Overscrupulous

    In the past he had had experience with the rodents and vermin that infest every native village,and,while he was not overscrupulous about such maters,he much preferred the fresh air of the swaying trees to the fetid atmosphere of a hut.(Burroughs 445)
  • Demur

    The return of Tarzan pg 461
    ''When dawn came Tarzan explained his plan of battle to the warriors,and without demur one and all agreed that it was the safest and surest way in which to rid themselves of their unwelcome visitors and be revenged for the murder of their fellows.''(Burroughs 461)raise doubts or objections or show reluctance.
  • Proceeding

    ''But now the whole proceeding must be gone through again."(Burroughs 483)begin or continue a course of action.
  • Calamity

    ''And it was the next day that the great calamity befell''(Burroughs 516)an event causing great and often sudden damage or distress; a disaster.
  • Descending

    ''The atlar,the terrible priestess.the descending knife''(Burroughs 551).move or fall downward.
  • Guttural

    ''They muttered low gutturals of approval as bits of white hide or hairy bloodstained skin were torn from one contestant or the other(Burroughs 589).of a speech sound) produced in the throat; harsh-sounding.
  • Swarmed

    ''They swarmed about Tarzan's craft; but when they saw the nature of the enemy all but one turned and paddled swiftly up-river(Burroughs 623).move somewhere in large numbers.
  • Brimming

    Tarzan of the ape ''He felt only hate for her, but it had come to his diseased mind that if he could force her to accede to his demands as the price of her life and her child's, the cup of his revenge would be filled to brimming when he could flaunt the wife of Lord Greystoke in the capitals of Europe as his mistress''(Burroughs 649). fill or be full to the point of overflowing.
  • sympathy

    ''That such nobility of character could lie beneath so repulsive an exterior never ceased to be a source of wonder and amazement to her, until at last the innate chivalry of the man, and his unfailing kindliness and sympathy transformed his appearance in so far as Jane was concerned until she saw only the sweetness of his character mirrored in his countenance''(Burroughs 676). feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.
  • Consternation

    ''To her consternation she saw that the apes were pausing in the centre of the clearing''(Burroughs 696).feelings of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected.
  • Interior

    '' That it was the woman who had accompanied Anderssen toward the interior he did not know, though he suspected as much, a s he was now quite certain that this was the deck of the Kincaid upon which chance had led him (Burroughs 722).situated within or inside; relating to the inside; inner.
  • Skiff

    ''In Tarzan's camp, by dint of threats and promised rewards, the ape-man had finally succeeded in getting the hull of a large skiff almost completed. Much of the work he and Mugambi had done with their own hands in addition to furnishing the camp with meat(Burroughs 756). a shallow, flat-bottomed open boat with sharp bow and square stern.
  • obligations

    '' Schmidt also worked good-naturedly, and Lord Greystoke congratulated himself that at last the men had awakened to the necessity for the labour which was being asked of them and to their obligations to the balance of the party''(Burroughs 756). an act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment.
  • Riptide

    ''My hand went to my pocket, where I kept my lethal ballpoint pen, Riptide. I could already sense something wrong in this place''(Riordan 3).a strong current caused by tidal flow in confined areas such as inlets and presenting a hazard to swimmers and boaters.
  • Demigods

    ''The problem was, there just weren't that many demigods out there''(Riordan 7).a being with partial or lesser divine status, such as a minor deity, the offspring of a god and a mortal, or a mortal raised to divine rank.
  • murderously

    ''Let me get that.'' Zoe recoiled. Her eyes flashed murderously''(Riordan 49).capable of or intending to murder; dangerously violent.