Martin's vacation

  • The taxi

    He left to home at 10 o'clock, later he caught a taxi to airport
  • The passport

    When he arrived to the airport, he didn't have the passport with him.
  • Run!

    He went in taxi very faster at home and he arrived in 20 minutes
  • Oh no!

    He ran into the house to take the passport,it was in his table, but, when he exit of home the taxi was not here!
  • What a disaster!

    Martin filt angry, and run at the street for search other taxi
  • Seriusly!?

    When Martin found a taxi told the driver to take him to the airport very fast, but, how there was many traffic he arrived late. His plane left to 11:30 and he missed it. He was bad and he speak with the airline, they said that he can flight on a evening flight, he went to his house to wait