Martin luther king, jr.

Martin Luther King Jr

  • Birth

    He was born in Atlanta Georgia
  • Starts getting involved with Civil Rights

    He sends a letter about civil rights to a newspaper
  • He became ordained

    He became ordained into the Baptist Church
  • Wedding

    Martin Luther King Jr got married in Alabama to Coretta Scott
  • First Child

    His first daughter Yolanda was born to the family
  • President of Montgomery Improvement Association

    He was voted to this association due to his leadership and strength
  • Home Bombed

    MLK's home was bombed while he was giving a speech on civil rights
  • Second Child

    His second child was born Martin lll
  • First Book Published

    His first book was published called Strive Towards Freedom
  • Arrested

    He was arrested by the police during a protest
  • Third Child

    His third child Dexter was born into the family
  • Arrested again

    He was arrested once again at a protest in Albany and jailed
  • Fourth Child

    His fourth child Bernice was born
  • Letter from Birmingham Jail

    He wrote his famous writing piece while he was in jail
  • Second Book

    Strength to Love was published
  • I Have a Dream Speech

    MLK gave his famous speech in Washington DC titled I Have a Dream
  • Third Book

    Why We Can't Wait is Published
  • Back to Jail

    He demanded service at the whites only restaurant in Florida and was arrested
  • Won the Nobel Peace Prize

    He was awarded this honor for his work in the civil rights movement
  • Fourth Book Published

    "Where Do We Go From Here?"
  • His Death

    He was shot and killed on a balcony
  • USA Federal Holiday

    A federal holiday was added to remember MLK's legacy and work in the civil rights movement