L. h. nichols

Lovell Nichols Timeline

  • Lovell Herman Nichols enlisted.

    Lovell Nichols enlisted in Brisbane and sailed on the same day.
  • Period: to

    Posted to the Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Forces

    Posted to ANMEF at Rabaul in German New Guinea where he served from January, 1917 to August, 1918.
  • Returned to Australia for Medical Assessment

    During his time doing service, he was subject to recurring fevers and fainting spells after a bout of Malaria.
    He was sent back to Australia for medical assessment where He was diagnosed with Valvular Heart Disease.
  • Discharged from the Army

    Because of his heart disease, he was permanently unfit for duty and was discharged from the army.
    Died 3 months later by being pulled under a train.