
Louis XIV

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    Longest ruler record

    Louis XIV holds the record for being the longest ruler in France, having the thrown for 72 years. Louis accomplished many things while he was ruling but is most notably known for his role in the arts and culture of France.
  • Louis's brother Philippe I, Duke of Orléans is born

    Louis's brother Philippe I, Duke of Orléans is born
    Philippe I, Duke of Orléans is born and is two years younger than his older brother Louis. Philippe becomes Duke of Orléans due to his grandfathers death. Philippe was also a victorious military commander at the Battle of Cassel in 1677.
  • Louis's father dies

    Louis's father dies
    When Louis's father, Louis XIII of France died he gave his power to Louis at the age of 4. He to was a monarch who ruled France from 1610 to 1643.
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    Louis marries Maria Theresa of Spain

    Louis was motivated to marry Maria by political reasons, there marriage would ensured the peace treaty that Mazarin had sought to establish with Hapsburg Spain. The two also happened to be cousins.
  • Louis's Chief Minister Cardinal Jules Mazarin dies

    Louis's Chief Minister Cardinal Jules Mazarin dies
    Cardinal Jules Mazarin was not only Louis's chief minister but was also his mentor and friend. Mazarin defended off rebels who didn't want Louis to be king. He also mentored Louis and teaches him how to be king. Although Mazarin had most power while he was alive he taught Louis many valuable skills that he would go use after his death.
  • Louis, Grand Dauphin is born.

    Louis, Grand Dauphin is born.
    Louis had 6 children with Maria but only 1 survived to make it to their adult years. While Louis, Grand Dauphin was one of Louis's oldest children he still died before his father, never becoming king. Louis had more than a dozen children with many mistress's and his second wife.
  • Louis launched the War of Devolution

    Louis launched the War of Devolution
    Louis launches the War of Devolution to show his aggressive approach towards foreign policy. He invaded the Spanish Netherlands only to result in retreating due to pressure from the Triple Alliance of England.
  • Louis extends the Palace of Versailles

    Louis extends the Palace of Versailles
    Louis loved art more than he did anything else. When he was introduced to the Palace of Versailles he immediately fell in love with the place and decided to extend it. He personally took over the job of being the architect and began to use the palace to show his love for art and his immense wealth.
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    Louis marries Madame de Maintenon

    Louis marries Madame de Maintenon in a private ceremony. The marriage was morganatic meaning that Madame de Maintenon was never pronounced queen but sill had major influence in court.
  • Louis gets Gangrene

    Louis gets Gangrene
    At the beginning of summer in 1715 Louis complained of pain in the leg. He was later diagnosed with Gangrene but it was to late and the kings fate had been sealed. He later died of Gangrene in September of that year.