

  • The Thanksgiving Dinner

    The Thanksgiving Dinner
    Brian was having a very good time with his parents around the table having dinner.
  • The Secret

    The Secret
    Brian's mother has a secret that caused the divorce
  • The Divorce

    The Divorce
    Brian's parents divorced because his mother was cheating on his dad
  • The Hatchet

    The Hatchet
    His mother gave Brian a hatchet before he took the plane to go see his father.
  • The Plane's Departure

    The Plane's Departure
    Brian is taking a plane to go see his father in Canada
  • The Pilot Had a Heart Attack

    The Pilot Had a Heart Attack
    While Brian and the pilot were flying, then suddenly the pilot was suffering of a heart attack and Brian wasn't able to make a simple mouvement.
  • The Place Crashed on the Lake

    The Place Crashed on the Lake
    Following the pilot's heart attack Brian took the control of the plane and decided to lend the plane on a lake.
  • Period: to

    The Wildnerness

  • Brian Found a Shelter

    Brian Found a Shelter
    Brian after 4 days in the wilderness, finaly found a shelter to live in for the rest of his adventure.
  • A New Friend For Brian

    A New Friend For Brian
    Brian start a fire with his hatchet and a rock. He is saying that it's his new friend.
  • Hope to Hopeless

    Hope to Hopeless
    Brian was feeling depress and then he saw a plane. He did his plan to be see but the plane didn't stop. Brian have to continue the wilderness life.
  • The Survival Pack

    The Survival Pack
    He went in the plane and he took the survival pack out of the plane. In the survival pack there were sleeping bag, aluminuim cookset, waterproof countainer with matches, two small butane lighter, first-aid kit, cap, a fishing kit, a point .22 survival rifle and food.
  • He's Finaly Found

    He's Finaly Found
    He's found by a fur buyer mapping. He will eventually see his father.