Life of Stalin

  • Childhood

    His name was originally Josef Vissarionovich Dzhughashuili.
    He was born in Gorgi, Georgia (Satelite of Russia).
    His childhood wasn't very good, his parents werent wealthy, and he was the only child to survive. (PBS Behind Closed Doors)
    His father was a violent drunk.Due to smallpox he had a deformed arm and was treated differently for it.His reasoning for deciding to begin his quest for power was that he wanted divine things,and respect all led by a cold heart.(PBS Red files)
    Picture from BBC
  • Manhood

    His Mother wanted him to be a priest, so she sent him to Goril Spiritual School, where he learned Russian.(PBS Behind Closed Doors)
    Picture from BBC Stalin Biography
  • Continuing Spiritual Learnings and Making Contact

    Continuing Spiritual Learnings and Making Contact
    He went on with his religious learnings at Tifilis Spiritual Seminary in Tibilisi. While he was there, he began reading the teachings of Karl Marx, Fredrich Engles, and Vladimir Lenin. Stalin also established contact with underground groups of Russian Revolutionary Marxists who had been exiled toTranscaucasia by the Tsarsist government. (BBC Biography)
    Picture from BBC Stalin Biogrgaphy
  • Began Carrying Out Marxism

    Began Carrying Out Marxism
    He began movements like protests and began "liberating" Russian banks. Stalin was expelled from Tifilis Theological Seminary for propagating Marxism. He starts work at the Tiflis Physical Observatory.
    Picture from BBC Stalin Biography
  • Goes Underground

    Goes Underground
    His room at the Tifilis Observatory is searched by the Police. Later that month, he leaves the Observatory and goes underground.
    In November, Stalin is elected a member of the first Tiflis Committee of the RSDLP, which was following the Leninist-Iskra trend.
    Picture from BBC Stalin Biography
  • Arrested

    Stalin is arrested at a meeting of the Leading Party Group in Batum.
    He is held in the Batum jail, where he still works and maintains contact with the Batnm Social-Democratic organization. He writes leaflets, directs its activities, and conducts political work with other prisoners.
    Picture from BBC Stalin Biography
  • Moving Up

    Moving Up
    At the Sixth General Party Conference, Stalin, even though he is absent, is elected a member of the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party.
    This conference set up the Russian Bureau of the Central Committee to direct revolutionary activities in Russia and places Stalin in charge of it all.
    Picture from BBC Stalin Biography
  • Informs Lenin of plans

    Informs Lenin of plans
    Mid Feburary following Lenin's lead he goes to see him in Vologada ,informing him ofthe conclusions of the Prague Conference.Feburary 29 th he escaped exile in Vologada(BBC Biography)(Photo from
  • Arrested in Music Hall

    Arrested in Music Hall
    Stalin is arrestedin the Hall of Exchange during a concert by the St. Peters Bolshevik organization and brought to prison. Later in July, he is deported by escort to the Turukhansk region and is under watch for four years. He arrives in Krasnoyarsk and leaves a few days later to Kostino where he is exiled.
    Picture from BBC Stalin Biography
  • Under Stalin's power

    Under Stalin's power
    He began using absolute power by employing police repression against those who opposed the Communist party. Even t against those that were within the party. (Library Of Congress Russian Archives)
    Picture from BBC Stalin Biography
  • Lenin Is Dead

    Lenin Is Dead
    V. I. Lenin dies in Gorki. Stalin hears of Lenin's death, and along with the other members of the Political Bureau of the Central Committe, leave for Gorki. On the 23, Stalin and the other members carry Lenin's coffin out of his house.
    Before Lenin's death, he warned the other members of the party to remove Stalin, but they ignored his message and later payed the price.
    Picture from BBC Stalin Biography
  • Stalin Recognizes Lenin

    Stalin Recognizes Lenin
    Stalin delivers a speech, "On The Death Of Lenin" at Lenin's memorial service. In the name of the Bolshevik Party he takes a vow to guard and fulfill the wishes of Lenin.
    Picture from BBC Stalin Biography
  • Trotsky defeated and expelled

    Trotsky defeated and expelled
    Leon Trotsky, Grigorii Zinov'ev, and Lev Kamenev of the Politburo party were conquered and driven out by Stalin in his quest to become the sole leader of the USSR. He took advantages of their weaknesses and divided and conquered them. (PBS Red Files)
    Picture from BBC Biography
  • Stalin Unleashes His Terror

    Stalin Unleashes His Terror
    Stalin gained sole power after eliminating his rivals. During his rule, Stalin conducted purges, destroyed the Red's Army military leadership, he persecuted civilians that he thought were a threat to his power, even if they were little danger to him. (PBS Red Files)
  • The Terror Ends

    The Terror Ends
    Stalin dies in March of 1953, ending the terror that he created in USSR. (Library of Congress Russian Archives)
    Picture from PBS Behind Closed Doors