Life of Scott Fitzgerald

  • His birth

    His birth
    He was born in Saint Paul, Minnesota on the second floor of 481 royal avenue to Edward and molly Fitzgerald
  • Failure as a student

    Failure as a student
    He joined the army after his failure as a student
  • Meeting women

    Meeting women
    He met the youngest daughter of a Supreme Court judge when he was deployed
  • Army

    He was discharged from the army
  • Move to New York

    Went to New York City to marry Zelda but she broke up the engagement because she was unwilling to live off his small salary
  • Job

    He quit his job in July of 1919 to move to Saint Paul to rewrite his novel as this site of paradise
  • His career

    Fitzgerald pursues his career and publishes stories for the mass circulation of magazines
  • Marriage

    Fitzgerald and Zelda get married in New York
  • Pregnancy

    Zelda becomes pregnant so they move back to Saint Paul
  • Moving away

    The couple moved to great neck, Long Island to be near broadway
  • Going to France

    They want to France in the spring where the great gatsby was made, he revised it in Rome
  • Moving back to America

    They moved back to America where they rented out a mansion in Delaware where Zelda started doing dancing to become a professional Dancer
  • Zeldas first breakdown

    Zelda suffered her first breakdown, during this time Fitzgerald wrote short stories to pay for her treatment
  • Tender is the night

    Zelda was moved to John Johnson’s hospital while Fitzgerald wrote his novel, tender is the night, which was about a couple similar to themselves
  • First novel

    He wrote his first novel The romantic egotist