
Life of Pablo Neruda

  • Early Years....

    Early Years....
    Born in Parral, Chile, on July 12, 1904. His father worked for the railroad, and his mother was a teacher who died shortly after his birth. At age 13, he began his literary career as a contributor to the daily La Mañana, where he published his first articles and poems.
  • The start of his career....

    The start of his career....
    Some of his early poems are found in his first book, Crepusculario (Book of Twilight), published in 1923, and one of his most renowned works, Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada (Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair), was published the following year.
  • Teen years....

    Teen years....
    Neruda became known as a poet while he was still a teenager. He wrote in a variety of styles, including surrealist poems, historical epics, overtly political manifestos, a prose autobiography, and erotically charged love poems such as the ones in his collection Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair (1924). He often wrote in green ink, which was his personal symbol for
    desire and hope.
  • Writing career starting....

    Writing career starting....
    In 1926, he published the collection Tentativa del hombre infinito (The Attempt of the Infinite Man) and the novel El habitante y su esperanza (The Inhabitant and His Hope). In 1927, out of financial desperation, he took an honorary consulship in Rangoon, the capital of the British Indian colony of Burma, then administered from New Delhi.
  • His partner relationship....

    His partner relationship....
    In Java he met and married his first wife, a Dutch bank employee named Maryka Antonieta Hagenaar Vogelzang. Then another wife, then another, in 1966, named Matilde Urrutia. This wife was an inspiration to his later love poems.
  • His older days

    His older days
    His friend Allende died, and a few days after the death because of suicide, Chilean Warships pointed there cannons at Pablo’s house. Pablo was scared at first but then realized that the people can’t come inside his house unless they break in so that is why his was scared but Pablo kept his head up and knew that he knows how to protect the house!
  • The ways of people.

    The ways of people.
    The Chileans were people that did not like Pablo Neruda or any of his friends. They were so against them that they killed Pablo’s best friend and threatened Pablo too. He was ready for anything though.
  • Death....

    Pablo died on September 23rd, 1973. Neruda died just two years after receiving his Nobel Prize on September 23, 1973, in Santiago, Chile. Though his death was officially attributed to prostate cancer, there have been allegations that the poet was poisoned.
  • Hospital....

    In 1974, Neruda was hospitalised with cancer at the time of the coup d'état led by Augusto Pinochet. He kept going to the hospital to get good treatment. But later in his life unfortunately Pablo Neruda died then as said then in later facts.
  • Why he was hospitalized....

    Why he was hospitalized....
    It was said that Pinochet’s agents gave Pablo Neruda a lethal injection. It happened at the clinic where he was getting treatment for the cancer they diagnosed him with.