Lemmy White line fever

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    Lemmy was born in Ian Fraser Kilmister on Christmas eve. This is important to the book because it is stating the occurrence and when he was born to begin the book. (page 1)
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    Lemmy had seen is very first guitar it was his moms hanging on the wall she used to play with her brother. This is important to Lemmy because it began his career when he had talent playing. (page 14)
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    Lemmy had joined his first band Motown sect this was a milestone for him it was his first band and his first chance to get somewhere in the world
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    Lemmy got him self a girlfriend for the first time and his step dad wasn't pleased and gave him crap. this is important because he than started to grow apart and moved apart from him.page 15
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    Lemmy got expelled from school and from that he put 100% of his time and effort into and that did a lot for him got him into a couple bands from it page 17
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    Lemmy had joined rocking vicars ( a band ) in 1965-67 this was a another big setting in his life he had quit the other band he was in and had joined a more advanced band. page 38
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    Lemmy had yet again joined another band this time it was the hawk winds this is important because this was his second last band before getting really noticed. page 76
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    Lemmy had joined his next final band having been the motor heads he stayed there for 40 years he was a great impact on this band taking them from small towns to the number one rock band in the world with his amazing guitarist. 101
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    On December 28th 2005 Lemmy's death was announced to the public that he died earlier that day from heart failure. This is important because knowing the fact that his time has come and he is now in a better place and everyone will till cherish his music.
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    On December 15th 2005 the band Motor head teamed up with an all girl band which was perfectly fine until they had produced the worst song// album ever produced. This is important because motorhead the best band in history produced the worst song ever.