He was born in Valparaiso Chile. His parents were Salvador Allende Castro and Dona Laura Gossens Uribe. His parents were part of an upper middle class family. -
He was influenced by anarchist (or person that believes in not having an authority) shoe maker called Juan de Marchi who supported revolutions and racal policies. He was arrested multiple times for protesting ideas against to government. This happened when he was a student at the University of Chile. -
Medical degree
He earned his medical degree in 1932. Then he cofounded the Chiles socialist party. He founded this party in 1933. Allende's cofounder connot be found -
Chamber of debuts
He was elected to the chamber of debuts. Over time he became the minister of health. While in the position of minister of heath he to improved activities such as a free school lunch program , and safety laws for factory workers. -
At this time he married Hortensia Bussi. They had three girls. They were Carmen Paz, Isabel, and Beatriz. -
Chilean sentete
He was elected to the Chilean Senate four different times. While in the senate he defended the interest that the working class had. Over the course of this time he ran for president three times, in 1952, 1958, and lastly 1964 until he won in 1970. -
When he became president there were many problems going on for example : the unemployment rate was high and a lot of children were suffering from malnourishment, so right away he increased salaries and started to stop the other problems. -
During presidency
He and the congress's disagreement along with bad planning made Chiles economical problems bigger. So he lossed the support from the middle class fairly quickly. The workers still supported him. -
During presidency
Allende sent away the American-owned copper companies without delay. He did this to make his opposing stand against president Nixon more clear. He got more support from the people of Chile by doing that. -
General Augusto Pinochet led a military group to overthrow him. Allende refused surrender. He hid himself in the presidential palace. -
People began to debate whether the soldiers killed he or he committed suicide. People suspected that he died when the air force surrounded the palace and soldiers stormed in. After an autopsy it was found that Salvador Allende committed suicide.