
Kipling's Choice

  • World War One Begins!

    World War One Begins!
    Since he was able to talk John has wanted to defend his country more then anything. Since The Great War has begun he may just get the chance.
  • John Kipling Enrolls

    John Kipling Enrolls
    John's application for the army is turned down. He had terrible eye sight, but since his dad has so much power in polotics. He pulls strings and gets his son enlistes in the army.
  • Period: to

    During World War 1

  • His journey begins

    His journey begins
    John is sent off to the army for his training. He is quickly promoted to lieutenant.
  • Battle of Loos

    Battle of Loos
    The battle of Loos begins. This battle will ultimately be the final thing John participates in.
  • Left, Left, Left, Right, Left

    Left, Left, Left, Right, Left
    John and around 1,000 other soldiers march up to 25miles a day to reach the frontline and stay in shape. Along with preforming other military drills.
  • John's 18th Birthday

    John's 18th Birthday
    John Kipling turns 18 and is posted to france.
    He was recruited at 17 and trained until he turned 18 because you must be 18 to fight in a war.
  • John's First Battle

    John's First Battle
    Well his first battle didn't go exactly as planned. John was hit while trying to destroy a machine gun crew. His face was basically gone. He has multiple wounds the worst being his mouth and jaw is gone or the hole in his neck. Yet somehow he is still concious and living.
  • R.I.P.

    John Kipling is pronounced dead after there is no evidence of him being alive found.
  • Kipling suffers

    Kipling suffers
    Kipling didn't actualy die right after he was injured. He suffered for at least another few hours. He witnessed the killing of multiple friendly soldiers and enemy soldiers. His map with all the plans was stolen then destroyed by an artilery shell.
  • Kipling's Father responds

    Kipling's Father responds
    Rudyrad Kipling hears about his sons disapearence one month after he's decalred M.I.A. Since he's declared M.I.A. and not K.I.A. his father has hope that John is still alive.
  • Rudyard's Mistakes

    Rudyard's Mistakes
    In his passion for wanting John to fight in the war Rudyard loses track of the dangers and loses he might face if his son does go to the war. He realizes this thinking about why his son decided to join the army.
  • Private Troy's Story

    Private Troy's Story
    Private Troy is visited by Kipling's parents in his hospital bed. He says that, "John charged a two-storied house filled with germans.He was trying to take out machine gun crews set up inside.He fired his pistol threw the windows and killed a few germans, but wa badly injured during. Being hit in te neck and mouth."