King Tut

  • Jan 1, 1342

    Note to reader

    This timeline does not allow B.C dates so I changed the years to show the events in the proper order
  • Jan 1, 1343


    King Tutankhamun was born in Egypt in 1343 B.C. The actual date is unknown. His father was Amenhotep and his mother was Nefertiti. Tut all so had six sisters but they came along later on.
  • Jan 1, 1350


    When King Tut was just 7 years old (1336 B.C.) his dad died. So Tut eventually became king. Tuts favorite board game was senet. He learned how to read and write at the age of four.
  • Jan 1, 1352

    Tut and mom

    Tut and mom
    Tut and his mom spent more time togather after their dad/father died. They played senet more and wore very heavy jewlery it was the royal thing to do.(1335-1334 B.C.)
  • Jan 1, 1353


    Tut was ten when he got married to Ankhesengmun (1333 B.C.). Tut and his wife loved to listen to music their servent played for them on the harp.
  • Jan 1, 1362


    Tut died at the age of 19 in 1325 B.C. People think he broke a leg then that led to infection that led to death.