Key Terms

  • Sep 15, 1325


    Independce and freedom
  • E Pluribus Unum

    Meaning out of many one. This is the moto of the U.S. It is on the Great Seal of the United States apponted by our founding fathers.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The U.S. wrote a letter to England to decalare thier indepence and to explain why they are taking that action from them. We had 3 reasons for seperation from England. The Declaration of Independence was broken down in to 5 sections.
  • The V amendment

    The fiffth amendment to the U.S. constitution states that in a crimial case you are garenteed a jury and forbids double jeopardy.
  • U.S. Consitution

    A document that was writed by what is known as our founding fathers to the explains the laws and pricipals of the U.S. It was revised in 1992.
  • Eminent Domain

    When the goverment can take away private property for puplic use with the payment of money.
  • Bill of Rights

    The first 10 amendments of the U.S. constitution. The amendments 3-12 were adopped by the states. The Bill of Rights was become in affect December 15, 1791.
  • John Hancock

    Of course everyone knows that his signature of the Declaration of Independence is the largest. A very smart man graduating college at the age of 17. HE become involed in politics and that is how he made his way to sighning the Declaration of Indeoendence.
  • John Witherspoon

    He become the first persident of a colloge in New Jersey. He was an active member in congeress and was on more than 100 committies. He severd twice as a state legislature.
  • John Peter Muhlenberg

    A man that sarted out in the minsry. He became a follower of a patriot whitch led to him into the army. After the war he felt that he could not return to missions so he assigned land to vetrans. Shorty after he became a Pennsylvania representive.
  • Benjamin Rush

    In 1776 he was elected to attend proviendial confrence and was apointed to represent Phiadelphia that year and sighned the Decloration of Independence. He actually wanted to get rid of Washington and he take over. He was also a doctor, scientiest, writer, professor...ect.
  • Laissez-faire

    The theory that the government should be less involed as possible in the coduct of freedom or action.
  • John Jay

    He attended colloege at the age of 14. He was the yongest menber of the First Continental Congressat age 28. He retired insted of signing the Declaration of Independence.
  • Charles Carroll

    He signed the Declaration of Indepence. He was elected to represent Maryland on the 4th of July, and thought that it was to late to vote for the Decloration of Independece, o he signed it. He served the rest of his poltical career in Maryland.
  • Individualism

    A socia theory advocating the liberty, rights, or idependent action of an idividual.
  • John Trumbull Sr.

    He was an American artist in the time of the American Revloutonary War. He was famous for for historal paintings. The painting of the Declaration of Independence on the back of the 2 dollar bill is his painting.
  • Alex de Tocqueville

    He traveled the U.S. in 1831 to study its prisons and wrote a book on his observations. He had the american view chaacterized in these elements Liberty, Equality, Democercy, Indivisualism, The Rule of Law, Nationalism, and Captialism.
  • In God We Trust

    The moto placed on the U.S. coins. It was placed there because of an increased religioin durning the Civil war.
  • Populism

    The political philosophy of the people's party.
  • Egalitarianism

    Belief of equality of all people in politial, economical, and social cases.