Karl Popper Timeline by Caidan Neace

  • Birthdate of Karl Popper

    Birthdate of Karl Popper
    Karl Popper was born in Vienna, Austria. In the 20th century he became one of the most influential philosophers of science. He is famously known for separating science from non-science which is also called pseudoscience.
  • Marxist to Communist

    Around 1918 Popper become a Marxist and about 1919 he became a communist. However, he quickly dropped that title because he did not believe communists cared much about other people dying and thought they used people as political/financial pawns.
  • The Logic of Scientific Discovery

    The Logic of Scientific Discovery
    His first published book was titled Logik der Forschung. This book was later published in English in 1959. This was Popper's first detailed account of the criterion of demarcation, problem of induction, scientific methodology and the importance of falsification.
    "Karl Popper." Famous Scientists. famousscientists.org. 2 Sep. 2016. Web.
  • Teaching

    From 1937 to 1946 Popper was a teacher at Canterbury University college. Thornton, Stephen, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Edward N. Zalta & Uri Nodelman(eds.) https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2022/entries/popper/.
  • Teaching

    From 1946 to 1969 Popper was a teacher at the London school of economics.
  • The death of Karl Popper

    The death of Karl Popper
    Popper died of cancer in 1994 in Kenley, England. He was 92 years old and was buried next to his wife. Even though he has since passed, his scientific theories and philosophies will live on for all of time.