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Karl Popper

  • The Journey of Karl Popper

    The Journey of Karl Popper
    Karl Popper was born in Vienna on July 28, 1902. As he was growing up, his father was a lawyer, but he also took an interest in philosophy, classics, and social issues. In contrast, his mother influenced him to have a passion for music. Karl would later study the history of music as a second-year subject at his Ph.D. examination. His passion for music became one of his most important sources of inspiration.
  • Karl's Academic Life

    Karl's Academic Life
    Karl was a young student at the Realgymnasium, where he was dissatisfied with the teaching. So he ended up leaving to study at the University of Vienna in 1918. After university, he started his apprenticeship as a cabinetmaker and later became very interested in becoming a daycare facility manager. In 1924, he finished his elementary teacher's examination and began working for a social welfare organization. He then went on to study philosophy and psychology at the Pdagogisches Institute.
  • The Inspiration of Einstein's Theory

    The Inspiration of Einstein's Theory
    Einstein explained that gravity was caused by the mass of space. The idea that light from distant stars would follow a gravitational curve was caused by the sun's huge mass. Karl was fascinated that Einstein was not afraid to throw away his theory if it gets rejected by the scientific community. This observation is similar to the attitudes of Marxists who were willing to accept the results of tests if they were wrong.
  • Theory of Falsification

    Theory of Falsification
    In 1959, Popper released his book entitled "The Logic of Discovery", which killed off a branch of philosophy called logical positivism. Followers of this philosophy also believed that scientific inquiry is carried out in a process of verification. The logical foundations of science were flawed when it came to proving scientific theories. However, he was able to fix this problem by proving that falsification does not involve the test of scientific theories.