Karl popper

Sir Karl Popper

  • Early Life

    Karl Raimund Popper was born on July 28, 1902 in Vienna.
    His father was a lawyer by profession. He was very interested in philosophy and communicated social and political issues to his son. His mother an amateur pianist made Popper fall in love with music. Even from a young age Popper asked himself about infinity. Karl Popper had the honor of being knighted in 1965. Popper passed away on September 17, 1994 in London, England.
  • Education

    Karl Popper was usually bored in school. He found the classes slow paced. He found that after a while even math class was too slow for him. In 1918 at the age of sixteen, he matriculated into the University of Vienna. In 1925 he attained his primary school teaching degree.
    In 1929 he attained his secondary school teaching degree in which he was qualified to teach mathematics and physics.
  • Published Works

    With the annexation of Austria in 1938, he was inspired to write about social and political philosophy.
    In 1945, he published "The open society and its enemies" as his view on totalitarianism. In 1957 he published "The poverty of historicism" where he criticizes that the idea of historicism as being dangerous. Historicism is the idea that any significant event is caused by space and time.
  • Contributions to Philosophy of Science

    Karl Popper is known for a multitude of things. One of them being the Falsification Principal. The falsification principal suggests that for a theory to be considered scientific it must be able to be tested and conceivably proven false (Mcleod, 2020). Popper also talked about what should be considered science or what he called pseudo-science. The following YouTube video will provide more information on the topic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-X8Xfl0JdTQ&t=1s
  • Citations/ Sources

    Crashcourse. "Karl Popper, Science, & Pseudoscience: Crash Course Philosophy #8." YouTube. YouTube, 28 Mar. 2016. Web. "Karl Popper." Famous Scientists. 2 Sept. 2016. Web. "Karl Popper." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 27 Mar. 2021. Web. Mcleod, Saul. "Karl Popper - Theory of Falsification." 01 May 2020. Web.
    Shea, Brendan. "Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy." Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Web.
  • Citations/ Sources cont.

    Thornton, Stephen. "Karl Popper." Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford University, 18 Mar. 2021. Web.