Julius Ceaser

  • 42 BCE

    Cassius's Suicide

    Pindarius tells Cassius's the news that their camp and tents are being attacked. Cassius's sees his tents on fire and Titinius confirms that the tents are on fire. Cassius is surrounded by a lot of soldiers and tells them to go over and help. Cassius tells Pindarius to take his sword and stabs him in his ribs.
  • 42 BCE

    Brutus's Suicide

    Brutus is battling and he sees Caesar's ghost once again and knows it time for him to die. He ask his men to help him and they all walk away and don't help him. Strato is the only one that will help him and Brutus tells him to hold his sword and he falls on it. The Soldiers knew what was best for them and combined army's.
  • 42 BCE

    Antony Eulogizes Brutus

    Antony eulogizes Brutus after Brutus's death. Antony says Brutus is the noblest Roman of all and he should be highly spoke of. Out of all the conspirators he was the only one to love Rome. All the other conspirators did it out of envy of Caesar.
  • 41 BCE


    Portia is wondering why Brutus is acting strange, she knows he is up to something but he will not tell her. she is concerned for his safety and tells him that she had a right to know
  • 41 BCE


    They all go to the capital with Caesar. they distract him while Casca sneaks behind him and stabs him with the sword. They all stab him and Caesar dies. His dying words are "Et tu Brute? then fall Caesar"
  • 41 BCE

    Cassius and Brutus's Argument

    Cassius and Brutus are the leaders of the soldiers that are fighting in the war. They knew something was not adding up and they had a big argument. They went into a tent so the soldiers wouldn't know they were fighting. Brutus tells Cassius at this time that Portia kills herself by swallowing hot coals. Brutus is shocked and can't believe it.
  • 41 BCE

    The Ghost

    Brutus saw Caesars ghost witch foreshadows his death. Brutus didn't realize it was his ghost at first. When the ghost says it's first word he knows it him. The ghost tells him to go fight in the Battle of Phillipi were he is going to fight Antony and Octavius.
  • 41 BCE

    Calpurnia's dream

    Calpurnia is Caesar's wife and has a bad dream about him. she dreams that he was murdered and the people of Rome were bathing their hands in his blood. She warns him about this and tells him not to go to the capital and he listens to her at first. then the conspirators come and convince him to go
  • 41 BCE


    After the assasination Antony runs home because he doesn't think it is safe. When he comes back he shakes hands with all of the conspirators. He is sad when he sees Caesar's body. The conspirators try to talk him into joining their side, but he doesn't want to.
  • 41 BCE

    The Funeral

    Brutus asked Antony to talk at Caesars funeral. When Brutus gives his speech its really good and really supportive. Brutus talked about how he would be a great at king and what he would do. Antony then gave a speech and talked bad on Brutus. The crowd was mad then at Brutus and wanted to kill him.
  • 40 BCE

    Feast of Lupercal

    The Feast of Lupercal is a celebration of God. Antony runs a race to touch Calpurnius to get her have kids. Caesar is offered the crown 3 times and is reminded of the ides of March. Caesar is trying to act to think he is the greatest and later dies because he had to much powered.
  • 40 BCE

    The storm

    Caesar was going to go to the Capital but a bad storm hit the city. There were fire balls coming down and one fell on a slaves hand and didn't burn or hurt him. A lion was walking in the streets by the capital and night birds were coming out during the day.
  • 40 BCE

    When the Conspiritors meet

    Brutus and the rest of the conspirators meet the night before the assassination. He says he is going to join them and they plan out how they are going to do it. Cassius was the leader of the group but soon enough Brutus takes control of the group, and Cassius backs down.
  • 40 BCE

    Brutus and Cassius Plan

    Cassius wanted to kill Caesar but he had to get Brutus in on the plan so it would work smoothy. Brutus was in on the plan right way because he loved Rome more than Caesar and killed him. They were scared what he would do to Rome.
  • 40 BCE

    Brutus Soliloquy

    Brutus doesn't know what to do because he is great friends with caesar. He has love for Rome and for Caesar. He thought Caesar was struggling at king so he thought he would make a better king. He thought killing him would be the best thing for the City of Rome.