Johnny Johnson's Timeline

  • Hockey

    Johnny (age 10) has decided he wants to learn to play hockey.
    Johnny practices his hockey skills every day but he is worried that he will let his teammates down if he isn't perfect. His parents and coaches support and encourage him to keep trying and further develop his skills. This is Erikson's fifth stage, industry versus inferiority. The crisis here is that Johnny is so stressed out with worry that he isn't good enough that he sometimes gets horrible headaches.
  • Marriage

    Johnny is now 25 years old and this is wedding day. He is about to marry the love of his life. His goals are no longer centered on only himself and his dreams of being a professional hockey player. He is now entering into Erikson's sixth stage , intimacy versus isolation. the crisis in this event is that while Johnny loves being with his wife he sometimes misses his friends. He is lonely and wants time with his hockey friends.
  • Where did the time go?

    Johnny (age 45) is now wondering where did all the years go. He has a happy marriage but something seems to missing. He is missing playing hockey and regrets giving it up. He wonders if he would have been good enough to play professionally. This stage is Erikson's eight stage, ego integrity versus despair. The crisis here is that as Johnny is getting older, he wonders what could have been if he went professional with his hockey career rather than marrying and giving it all up.