Letter to Mary
He got a letter from Mary and he had always got excited or happy when he got letters so he would hurry and write back so the faster he would get one back. -
John Served 17 months in the fields
When he said in his letter that he served 17 months in th e feilds he seems pretty proud of doing that..and was happy that he could actually say that he had done something good in his life. -
On the eve to might having peace back
So he is really happy that they might be having the chance to have there peace back so they can dint have to fight with each other all the time -
John and Joe are not going to go back in they are going to do free life for a while
Many soilders are in the hospital wonded
Soilders are wonded because of them fighting and stuff and so they have to be in the hospital for a few days hours maybe because of being wonded and they cant fight when they are wonded. -
His regiment has re-enlisted for 8 years
Leaving to go home
He is leaving to go home because he is done fighting for right now he wants to see how it feels to be free again...But if the army neds him like they did the first time he came then he will go back. -
Sickness passing threw Cattanooga
Sickness is passing threw the city of Cattanooga. Many animals are lying dead. -
There army is in advancing
There army is still advancing alought the Rebs have nearly every hill fortfield from Buzzard Roost -
Helping poeple
He said that he would want to help people because seeing people get hurt every hour it hurts him because sad if you know what i mean and what he is trying to say. -
Studied Surgey studies
John has decided to study the studies of surgey when he gets out of the survice. -
John got married and he married a woman named Talitha North. -
John died at the age of 50 because of heart diease.